Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Mighty Maple

You could say we have a love affair going with trees here in Northern Wisconsin. Especially this time of year when the mighty maples turn the landscape into colors that dazzle and awe and call leaf peepers from everywhere to gaze upon the magic. 

This gorgeous maple in the above photo and my blog header is in my neighbors yard.   Dave and I hold this tree in special honor and cherish it for you see Dave planted it. Are you impressed?  I'll tell you it's hard for even us to believe how magnificent this tree has become.
In 1998 we sold the little house we lived in when we got married and bought the one directly across the street where we live now. I can look out my kitchen window and see our old house and this maple tree in the front yard everyday.      
Dave dug this tree when it was just a six foot sapling  from his parents farmland about thirty miles from here.  He transplanted it here in  1987 and we've been blessed to watch it grow daily to it's present height somewhere between forty or fifty feet tall!
We often marvel at how big and nicely formed it is. A gorgeous specimen of a sugar maple tree.  
It continues to baffle us how it grew so big in the twenty four years since it was planted. 
On Wednesday we took a  drive to the south shore of Lake Superior  on our annual trek to Bayfield WI.  A scenic drive to be sure. The leaves were spectacular but none really rivaled the ones we see each day out our own kitchen window. 


A leaf pillow I made from wool that was rolled up and simmered in a pot.  I've been saving the wool for when the right inspiration hit to make something.  Oak leaf cutouts are appliqued onto  black wool and stuffed with wool snippets and left over bits from rug hooking.



I also  made some pumpkins from my hand dyed wool. I've been creating and working on many many new things........ I will share soon!  Dave is on vacation, we're in the middle of many projects and helping my Mom with her basement project etc.  It's looking more and more like my plan B may have to go into effect.  No students have signed up yet for my beginning rug hooking class.  Monday is the deadline for signing up. 
We'll talk soon my friends!!

Cathy G


  1. Cathy~ a beautiful Sugar~ digging her up from the farm, watching her mature, she is a treasure!!!
    Love your wool pumpkin~
    enjoy the fall day~

  2. What a gorgeous tree and how special it will always be to you. Love your leaf pillows. The leaves are just as gorgeous as the real thing! Enjoy the colors of the season. A lot of leaves came down here in the wind we've had the past couple of days but it's still pretty. Lori

  3. That tree is truly glorious...and HUGE! Lucky you to be able to still enjoy it even though you've moved. Love the little leaf pillow and sweet! Good luck with the projects! Smiles & October Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Thanks for sharing your beautiful Maple with us.
    That tree is truly spectacular!
    Love your latest pillows-very Fall like!

  5. Cathy,
    Love the simple beauty of your leaf pillow....inspiring!

  6. What a beautiful Sugar Maple and how lovely for you to be able to enjoy it each and every day. The foliage color in your neck of the woods is far ahead of that here in Southern Maine. Sweet little pillow and how I love the wool pumpkin. If I resided closer I certainly would love to be in your rug hooking class. Hope you are enjoying your weekend, tis raining and gloomy here. Blessings, Julie.

  7. Planting a young tree and watching it grow to maturity is one of the great joys of life. Yours is magnificent!!! And you have the pleasure of it's company each and every day, in all seasons.
    Love the wool you used for the oak leaves!
    Hope you and Dave have a productive vacation time.

  8. What a wonderful, beautiful tree. I so miss seeing the colors change in the Fall. Thank you for posting it. Your leaf pillows have the color of the season and are so pretty.

  9. OMG! what a beautiful tree!!! love the little leaf pillows too, are you selling them???
    I will be in Lacrosse next week on my girls trip, can't wait to see the color!!! OLM

  10. What an absolutely beautiful tree!! The trees are not showing much color here in Indiana yet and if they do, dad and I will miss it since we leave soon. Can't believe no one has signed up for class yet. Wish I could! Love the pumpkin and the leaves!!
    Happy Fall,
    Karen & the Hounds

  11. oh that maple tree is gorgeous!!!! and I love your leaf pillow and pumpkins..I wish I could come to your class and hang out and drool all over your yummy wool...:)

  12. Hi Cathy, What a magnificent maple tree. It's so colorful. Your Oak leaf pillow is so adorable and the wool pumpkin also is very inspirational. Fall seems to spark a warm comfortable feeling. Sometimes people wait till the last minute to sign up. Hope that you will have students ringing your door bell for rug hooking course without delay. JB

  13. Don't you love that fall is so... orange??!!
    gorgeous tree!! and gorgeous little projects!!

  14. I just love that tree! We have a couple of small maples on our property...too many oaks! So, I'm looking forward to the little bursts of color they will add! Great leaf project. I can't wait to see what you have brewing!

  15. Cathy: This tree just blows me away. It is beyond gorgeous. What a gift to look out your window and watch it change with the seasons. I love what you did with the leaf pillow; you're so creative. Happy fall...XXX

  16. What a magnificent sight to see out your kitchen window!!!! Great inspiration for fall projects. Love your leaf pillow!!!! Happy October!

  17. A beautiful tree and beautiful memories to go with it. We took a drive along Lake Michigan today--on the Michigan side--and enjoyed sunshine and the fall colors. Like you, I love this time of year!

  18. Such a pretty tree and a great projects you have done. I hope you get mass sign ups.

  19. Now here's a girl who LOVES fall and all the great inspiration it brings. Great blog post - love everything in it.

  20. What a beautiful tree. We just don't have the maples down here in the Ozarks.
    I love the oak leaf little pillow and the plaid pumpkin, they are great and so autumn-ish.


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