Thursday, September 22, 2011

Afternoon Delight!

When hookers gather at my studio the first few moments are spent browsing around to see what new things I've been creating or what new colors of wool I've been simmering in the dye pots.  The key lime wool in the above photo was a hit with everyone!!
Come meet the ladies of the early evening who gather here a few times a month.  


Eva hooking her house trivet on monks cloth.  Only her second project and already knows she doesn't like monks cloth!  The trivet is a pattern from Jill Holmes at Northwoods Wool.  Eva is one of my students from my first class at the WITC this spring.

Jeannie hooking one of my kits the Grinning Jack- on linen.  This is her fourth project and she is really getting her loops nice and high and is really doing a great job.   Jeannie is one of my students from my first class this Spring also.


Lorena is visiting from a nearby town and hasn't been hooking very long. She is working on a pattern she drew free hand based on a rosemaling design. She does rosemaling and sews and does a lot of different crafts.  

Saundra is also from a nearby town and learned to hook with Lorena. She is working on a cover for a brick doorstop with the likeness of a kitty she once had.  

These ladies are a delight and the answer to my prayer some time ago that I find some one to share my love of hooking. We meet here in my studio at least two or three times a month.  

I can't help thinking back to the time when I was a lone hooker sitting in my studio wondering if I would ever find ANYBODY to hook with!!   Not only did I find some ladies..... they are the sweetest, most wonderful new friends you could ever find!  I am blessed. 
Cathy G

My next rug hooking  class for beginners is scheduled to begin at the WITC ( technical college) beginning  Thurs.Oct. 6.   Email me for the class specifics or call the school to register. (800-243-9842)


  1. Cathy... I enjoy visiting your blog. Your lime colors are so rich and vibrant. I have never hooked before but find it very interesting and such a wonderful part of fiber art history. Glad to see it being taught and preserved for future generations. :)

    I started to upcycle wool sweaters and clothing last year. My hubby would say I am addicted.LOL Just started to use them recently in some projects: mittens, penny rugs, clothes for my gourd creations etc. This passion for wool lead me to the great rug hookers that share their talents on the blogosphere. I am in awe of all the talent. Your site is a pleasure for me to read. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your site and the wonderful works of art that you and your friends create. You are a very talented artist!

  2. Cathy,
    How beautiful that your prayers were answered with this lovely group of ladies. If I lived a couple of hours closer I'd be there! Maybe I'll surprise you some time!! That's a pretty yummy stack of green wool. Hugs, Lori

  3. love, Love, LOVE that lime green wool! I'm a green junkie!!!!

  4. oh I wish I lived closer..because I would be at your classes what everyone is working you sell your wool?

  5. OMG! I love those limes!!!
    What beautiful colors!!!

    I'm so glad you now have a group of women who come and hook with you. And as the word spreads, I'm sure there will be more. Especially when others see the great work you are doing.
    Hope your class goes well!

  6. Cathy, it's so nice seeing you having groups of hookers in your very own studio. They are the lucky one to have found you. I love your lime colors as well. Have a great weekend and enjoy your new wooly adventures. Hugs, JB

  7. I think the ladies are the lucky ones :)

  8. I just love this post of yours! I'm the same...I just hook all by myself and dream of the day when I can share the fun with others! Your class is great...with so many different things happening. And that lime green wool is wonderful! I'd love to spend a day in the dye pots with you! I'm so happy that you've found your rug hooking teaching niche!

  9. Okay, you humor me way to much. Even though I'm not a HOOKER, I just love coming here to visit because of all these colors and projects you do. I wish you were closer because I would join your hooker group. Hands down ~ I'm in for the lime green too. Tell the group Hi from blogland.

  10. Eva's a smart gal....I can't stand Monk's cloth myself!! ;o) LOVE your Grinning Jack pattern!! Too cute!! So where, exactly, in Northern Wisconsin are you??? Another lonely hooker ~ Robin

  11. you are so lucky to have a nice space to enjoy hooking with the ladies. I have at some point in my life would like to have a group.

  12. count me in with those lime green lovers - what a gorgeous palette!!!
    and a real fine group of hookers you have gathered there!

  13. That key lime wool is absolutely beautiful! I can see why the ladies were taken with it. Looks like you have quite a group of fun ladies there and what a blessing to meet a couple of times of month!

  14. Cathy, I love the lime wool! Great job! For 20 years I hooked alone so I know how you feel. It is wonderful to have others to hook with and most hookers make such good friends!

    Good luck on your new class.

  15. Ask and you shall receive :). It's all in the timing. You are definitely Blessed! And we are Blessed with what you share with us :)

  16. Who would believe that so many people love LIME and your picture is amazing. Even the lamp looks lime-ish - great propping job. I totally hear you on the hooking in company. My gals haven't yet decided to come back for the fall - I guess everyone's waiting till after our Thanksgiving. But your gang looks awesome and very keen. Hooking friends are the best!

  17. Cathy ~
    For the first few years I hooked, I never met another hooker and hooked alone. Now I hook with several groups and it is so inspiring! I'm glad your group is going so well. They all look very talented.
    Pug hugs :)

  18. You're so fortunate to have such a great group to hook with. I have only one friend around here who hooks and we rarely get to see each other. PS I love that Lorena drew her own design for her first project.

  19. So glad you have wonderful companions now! Love seeing their projects, nothing like the treasure of a friend!

  20. You are an excellent teacher, look how well they are all doing.
    Love the green wool.


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