For all fellow rug hookers who read my blog this post is for you!!
I'm sure you are all familiar with the little Bliss cutter in the photo above. This is the cutter I bought off Ebay used several years ago. It has been my faithful companion cutting all the wool for the countless rugs I've hooked over the past 6 years or so. Recently I have been having major problems with getting it to cut straight or cut at all! Not good timing as I have a lot of kits to do up now before my classes start in Oct. Hubby tipped her over to examine the underside after my countless complaints and whining the other day. To my horror he announced the gears were stripped! Poor Bliss should be sent to the manufacturer for an overhaul! I couldn't imagine being without some sort of cutter at this time right before classes. Just couldn't imagine it.
Serious discussions ensued. The state of the economy ( ours to be exact), the fact that repairs are being made on quite a few household things at the moment, the price of groceries, the dogs need haircuts, Hubby needs a vacation and his truck is making bad noises....... very long discussions....................
Yep! That is our front Porch yesterday. After the UPS man made a visit!!
My rug hooking readers know exactly what this is!!!
Come along now and share my excitement!! I've dreamt about this moment for years!! The case itself is awesome!!!
The top lid opens for a darling little space to store hooks, scissors, candy LOL!! What ever you want to keep handy........ OH!! and then...........
The whole lid opens and ...........another LIFT OUT little caddy holds the cutter blades etc. and the attachments for using the long blades if you decide to get them....... I ordered #6 # 7 # 8 for now!
under that little caddy you lift out is the mean, lean cutting machine himself with a nice hard foam protection around him!!
The instruction booklet! Read it later!...............
Well.... I had to read it now I guess. Wanted to be sure I was dropping the cutter cartridges in the right way!! Oh would you look at that!! Doesn't need the wrench and any adjusting........ Just drop that baby in and.............
Cutting wool! OMG!!! Better than sex!!
If you come knockin' and my studio door is rockin! You'll know why!!
Cathy G
The Big BAd Boy Himself!!