Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Things of Pinterest

Lately I have been hearing a lot about a place online called Pinterest. It's like your own

personal online bulletin board where you find things of interest and pin it. Here are a few

photos of things I've found interesting. You can click on the photos and thanks to Pinterest it

carries the information along with the photo automatically.   

I like the idea of using a picnic table


( if I only had the room!)

How about making a giant pot holder rug?!!  

Make a Blue Berry Smoothie!  Simple and Nutritious!

Source: via Cathy on Pinterest

Make this chicken wire and rock wall decor!  Unique  ( you know how we all love our rocks!)

If you get a chance to check out Pinterest.Com I'd love to know what you think about it! 

Better than the magazines these days in my opinion and free!

                                                Cathy G


  1. LOVE the rocks and chicken wire!!!

  2. The picture of the picnic table is GREAT! I love that idea!!! That's how I want my kitchen or dining room to look. In my dreams!!!

    Sorry to hear your good friends are also moving. Especially since they are helpful to your Mom. I hope you get some nice people in next to her. Shy can't things just stay the way they are???

  3. I haven't been on pininterest because I'm afraid I'll get ADDICTED! love, Love, LOVE the potholder rug and the stones in a cage.....mah-velous!

  4. Have been wanting to do the pininterest thing but I can not even keep up with blogging buds Will have to go by there though and check it out.
    I love love the the rug. Never have I seen one of these. Really interesting.
    Have a great day

  5. That is one big pot holder! Looks like a neat place to check out!

  6. I love the the heart basket with rocks.

    I'm wondering if sign into Pininterest, that my photos will end up somewhere where on the web where I don't want them. Especially photos of other people who are in my photo library. I still worry about privacy issues.

    I love looking at the pictures for decorating the house and garden photos but I don't know what I would be getting myself into. Things can seem inocent enough and then all of a sudden you can loose your identity... I'm so melodramic am I?

  7. I so heart pinterest!! Very addictive....

  8. came by today via dog trot farm...LOVE seeing you and your dogs on the sidebar..are they poodles??? i have my poodle TEDDY...the love of my life :-)

    love your blog and i too love pinterest....

    happy to's always nice to make a new friend

    kary and teddy

  9. I have never heard of pintrest. But I love that potholder rug! It would look great in my kitchen. I have one of those hearts never thought about rocks. I have sea glass that would look great.

  10. will have to check out the site - love that first pic - love the idea of a picnic table old and weathered in the house - wahhhhhhhh i want a cool old house to decorate!

  11. My mom and dad just gave us their 40 year old picnic table. Don't know if it's worth trying to save though. And I'm dying to make one of those pot-holder rugs!!!!
    Great idea for rocks too. Hubby and I are both rock hounds.
    xo, Sheri


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