Thursday, June 9, 2011

103 to 66


Things are a little backwards concerning the weather here in Northern WI.  But I've never seen it quite this backwards folks!

Tuesday the thermometer hit 103 degrees.  Today it is 60 degrees with a COLD wind blowing.   Taking photos in the garden this morning caught me wearing a lightweight wool scarf with capri's and a jacket.

Not complaining...... just explaining.  Trying to remain calm and taking a brisk stroll through the gardens this morning felt energizing!

( or could be my brain just coming to life again after such extreme temperature changes.)



An old bowling ball planted amidst the ornamental cabbage.


Resident alligator guards the hen and chicks in the rock garden from two boy dogs who like to water them.



A  hanging gazing ball I snagged at a garage sale for two bucks along with the angel garden statue in the first picture also two bucks.


This rusty old cast iron finial has taken root in the herb garden. It's one of the old treasures I acquired from my past days as a junkmonger.  


Still an old junkmonger at heart I can't resist taking old stuff like these chairs that were free and the little wire stand ( two bucks)  and giving them new life.  They were a dark green before spray painting them this cool color (Krylon's Ivy Leaf).  I like them better now.

So... we are planting and weeding. Sweating and freezing.  Hoping your Spring/Summer is equally pleasing!

Cathy G 


  1. Isn't it amazing what a can of spray paint can do? I love the color.
    Your garden is lovely. It must be so peaceful to sit out there in the summer.

  2. hi, Cathy~
    Wow, change of temp that much will throw anyone off!! Yikes~ 103!! I bet if feels so chilly today!
    The garden is breathtaking~ love it~ hard work~ but so worth all the beauty!!! I'll go on a walk any day with you around the garden!!

  3. My gosh Cathy, you are getting Missouri weather up there. Well, we haven't hit 100 yet this year, but it will come no doubt.
    Your garden is so pretty, I love the old rusty finial and your table and chair are such a good color. Enjoy relaxing in them.

  4. Cathy, I love everything in your beautiful garden. Everything is so nicely showcased and no weeds... You sure have a way to put some interest in the garden. I love the alligator guarding your hens and chickens and the angel with the bunny and the green chairs and stand looks like something from a gardening magazine. And that rusty finial looks right at home there. All lovely.

    I always wanted to make some stepping stones with rhubarb leaves but never got around to it. Did you do this beautiful leaf standing against the tree?

    As I'm typing this the thunder just started and wind and pouring rain like you wouldn't believe. What's with this moody weather anyway??? JB

  5. Wow! What a temp change. I love touring your garden. And, the junkmongering...what fun! I am ditching some of my junk finds...only because I'm overwhelmed with packing. But, they will serve another junkmonger and I'll investigate new junk in the future!
    Thanks for sharing your lovely yard!

  6. I love all your garden art. You always make everything so fun, even a garden. The weather was been very inconsistent here too. Hot one day and jacket the next.

  7. These are some fun pics to look at this morning! I love that big cement leaf and the bowling ball in the gardens!!! Great ideas! I'll take the 60 over 103 anyday... heck... I went from thinking flags and watermelon and strawberries to pumpkins and wool mini wreaths (like the ones you made) during this past week! lol! Not rushing the seasons... I'm just one of those "happiest at the "just right" temperature kinda gals"... lol! Those ivy green chairs are wonderful!

  8. Your garden is beautiful in spite of the weather. I love the angel! You are such an excellent gardener!
    Isn't the weather becoming stranger by the year??? We've had the same kind of big changes within a few days. When I was a kid, I had nightmares about tornadoes (after seeing the Wizard of Oz) and always felt the assurance that there were no tornadoes in PA. Well, NOW there are!!! Jeez!!! Is it safe to put the winter clothing away???

  9. Holy moly! That's quite a temperature swing. It must confuse your garden, as well. And speaking of your garden...I love this mornings photo tour. Your alligator cracks me up, and I love the finial and bowling ball out there having new lives. Very cool. The chairs and table look great...maybe I'll get inspired to spray my peeling patio table one day. Stay cool! PS Your photo at the top of the blog is spectacular...what kind of camera/lens do you use?

  10. Cathy!

    You are such a talent in every way. Your garden is gorgeous. Never mind about the weather, it is the same all over. Man plans, God laughs!

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    s why I have signed this.


  11. Cathy ~
    They say if you don't like the weather in Ohio, stick around for 24 hours and it will change. Sounds the same in Wisconsin!
    I absolutely LOVE your yard!!! You really have a way with plants and "stuff". I really need to get out and get busy and off this machine!
    Pug hugs :)


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