A carpet roll that is! Dave survived the grueling process of ripping up our old living room carpet. When you have dogs no matter how well they are trained the carpets take a beating. I've never liked carpet anyway except for the fact they do help to warm the floors in this cold northern Wisconsin climate.
In the summer with the humid weather my sensitive nose picks up smells from wood stove smoke, cooking, past dog accidents, etc. in the house. I have been blaming the carpet for a number of years.
We finally both agreed it was time. Out with the old carpet and in with we are not quite sure what yet. We are leaning towards one of the new wood laminates. I need to pick something out soon!
A couple of days ago a local museum called to ask if I'd be interested in doing a hooked rug demonstration at their upcoming Pioneer Days. I said yes. They have local crafters doing spinning, weaving, etc and thought I'd fit in nicely with my rug hooking. It's July 9th and 10th at the Pioneer Village Museum. Dave will be shooting photos for me! I couldn't pass up the opportunity for some great blog fodder!
So I better get my body shaking and get something thrown together quick! Do you work well under pressure? It's the only way I actually do work I think!
Cathy G