Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Barn Board Red

I left a crock pot full of wool sit on idle all night.  A dash of Terra Cotta dye and some Khaki Drab thrown in with a little bright red piece of wool for a bleeder pleased me this morning with this.

The perfect Barn Board Red.

A trip to the basement to dig out some old barn boards that I had saved started my photo shoot this morning.  How many different ways can you photograph wool and barn boards?  Enough to create this mosaic. 

It's still freezing cold here today. I've got to go stoke the wood stove.  Smokey and Max need baths so it's time to warm up the house a bit.  I hear a warm-up is on the way this weekend.  Gotta get the fur boys cleaned up a little for the heat wave!

Cathy G


  1. Oh my, I love your barn red wool. And your Promise rug is absolutely adorable and so creative. I think it's a winner. You are so talented.

    The dogs will love a bath and if they are anything like my dog Mitzy used to be, they will want to get dirty at the first occasion. I had to keep her inside because she just wanted to roll in the dirt.JB

  2. How pretty. Love your new header photo and the Promise rug. Just beautiful!

  3. Purdy reds! I haven't done any dyeing for quite awhile now - need to get my pots out!

  4. Love it you have inspired me to get a crockpot when I see one out thrifting. I like that method.

  5. Love the wool and the old boards! Great group of reds!!!
    Oh, Please! Heat Wave, bring it on!!!
    Right now it's so cold and windy I don't want to stick my nose out the door. YUCK!

  6. Love the new picture set-up you've got going on! Now, you have me eager to get back to the dye pots! I've been considering donating my crock pot to the wool dyeing cause. Do you like using it? I like the idea of stewing something overnight...no simmering pots to tend to. Love the color!!
    Have a great night!

  7. Very nice reds!! Love the pictures!!
    We are cold here in Nebraska too! I am so ready for spring!

  8. Beautiful wool, these wonderful reds are perfect for valentines day!


  9. How yummy! Love the wool AND the barn boards!

  10. Your mosaic is gorgeous.... and your promise rug spectacular! You make me want to be a better and more creative hooker!

  11. Oh... also, another fabulous banner!


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