Wednesday, February 2, 2011

As Promised..... progress report

Last evening my brother Ron who lives in Minnesota called me from a truck stop somewhere near Dallas Texas.  I think he likes to call so I have something to worry about and keep me up all night! Ha!  He is an over the road trucker. He said he was bored and holed up because of all the ice on the roads in one of the worst truck stops you could imagine. Said he used his shirt sleeve to open and close the door on the bathroom.  Said another trucker had gotten sick a week before eating a sandwich he purchased there that had some mold on it.  The guy must have been really hungry or poor eye sight.  Anyway back to Ron.... all state highways and roads were closed north of Dallas and he was trying to make it back to Minnesota with a load.  So this morning a convoy of truckers who were there with him were going to head out together to see how far they could get.  My brother has been driving big rigs all his life.  He is a very experienced driver. He is a story teller.  Some of the stories I probably didn't need to hear right before going to bed. 

I hooked late into the night. Promise is looking promising.  I need to tweak a little here and there. My favorite part is the flower. Not sure I like the beige background color either but I'm not going to change that now.  It is what it is. 

I had an interesting question from Miss Potter in my last post.  She so kindly asked if I had a site where I sold my products.  Bless her heart!   My answer would be I am working myself in that direction.  It's been a long haul. Every time I get some wool dyed I tend to get greedy and hook it all myself.  Perhaps a pattern or two could be offered for sale.  I use my linen and backing as fast as I order it too!  I love to hook. I love to design.  And I hope I find out soon if I love to teach.  So bear with me lovely Miss Potter from Italy.   I will try harder to bring my wares to the market!

After hooking until 1:00 AM I drifted off to sleep.  I had a dream that a convoy of truckers were driving through huge drifts of snow.  They were barreling up Highway 53 northbound for a little town in Northern WI.  The signs on the side of the trucks read Heaven's to Betsy Wool Co.  The convoy arrived on my doorstep and the truckers began unloading bolts of wool into my garage.  I hoped I had enough sandwich meat and bread on hand to feed all those guys............

Cathy G


  1. Oh Cathy, your dream is too funny. But the part about the huge delivery of wool would be awesome.
    Speaking of Promise Rug is AWESOME. You are a true designer and I think you should be designing and selling patterns. You have a real flair for it.
    PS - How's Mom?

  2. I love your dream, LOL!!!
    Wow, your brother, sounds like a really bad truck stop!
    The rug is looking so very pretty!
    So enjoyed your post!
    keep safe,

  3. Now, that's a crazy dream for sure!! I do love your "promise" rug ~ very cute, Cathy G!!!!

  4. tehe I had to chuckle at your dream of all the wool coming in a truck convoy. Now that would be wonderful wouldn't it.
    I like the pattern you did and yes you should put something out there to sell.

  5. Love the little Promise mat and I too think you should sell some of your patterns!
    Keep on truckin....oops, I mean, hookin!

  6. Your mat looks great! I like the light background with the other muted colors. Wouldn't change a thing!
    Hope the wool trucks start coming to my house too. Dream on!!!

  7. Hello! Although I am currently vacationing in Myrtle Beach, SC, I live in north central Wisconsin. I spent 55 years+ living in Eau Claire county and am familiar with northern Wisconsin. You had an entry that spoke about the guild in Chippewa Falls, which is where I taught school for a time. Grandparents lived on Lake Wissota nearby. Perhaps I'll see you sometime at a guild meeting or activity in the area. By the way, your entry about your brother driving truck through Texas made me laugh hard! I've got family driving truck and Texas has provided us with many stories. None of them good, sorry to say. I did enjoy my winter vacation in Corpus Christi and South Padre Island a few years back, so perhaps I'm the exception to the family rules about Texas. While the snow and ice are falling, hook away!!
    Stoney Monte

  8. Cathy ~
    Your dream is too funny ~ wish it would come true for all of us!
    Your little rug is absolutely delightful!!!
    Hugs :)

  9. Love the "collage" look of your Promise rug as well as the spring-ish colors! The dream cracks me up....I've just got one thing to say....Thoughts become Things!

  10. Cathy~ hope your brother finished his route and has returned home safe and sound. What a sweet little "Promise" rug, I too like the collage effect it has. Hope you are staying warm, blessings from cold and snowy Maine!

  11. Cathy...LOVE your dream...mine would be cotton fabric coming (would have once been wool). I hope everything works out for your brother to get back to MN. I love your Promise rug! Keep up the good work!

  12. LOL Cathy !!!!!
    Love Your Dream !!!
    I am going to send you more pics of the wool being delivered the next time we get a shipment!

  13. Wow what a dream! Wouldn't that be too cool?
    I love all of your rugs. Promise and Mister Snowman too! I hope your brother made it out of Texas OK. We're supposed to get more snow this week on top of the foot we already have on the ground!
    xo, Sheri

  14. Love it all! the mat the wool and the dream. You can always make fried egg sandwiches if those guys show up.


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