Friday, December 31, 2010

Where I Will Be Teaching....

Goodness! You all are beautiful kind souls! Thank-you so much for your comments on that last post(it's comforting knowing you all can relate) and your interest in the teaching opportunity that has come my way. I will tell you this. I am excited, a bit overwhelmed and scared out of my red boots! LOL! A couple of months ago I was approached by the adult education supervisor at our Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College (WITC) here in Rice Lake. She had heard about my rug hooking through a friend of ours who works with my hubby Dave.
To make a long story short, we came up with a three session evening class that fits into their Leisure Time Activity category. My class is titled Fiber Art Creations. This is an introductory class on the basics of traditional/primitive rug hooking. The classes are two hours each and will be three evening sessions over a three week time period. The classes start the end of Feb. I want to share more of this adventure with you in upcoming posts. Here is a greeting card the college had on their website that will entertain you temporarily.(note: the classes will be held indoors in a fully heated classroom on campus and the only "hooking" will be with wool and not fishing poles!  LOL).

Click on the link below to be transported to an ice fishing hole somewhere near here in AnyTown Northern Wi!


  1. Way to go on the teaching job! Love the Name "Leisure Time activities" - Wear those red boots proudly and don't be scared! Loved the WITC card - the seashell with the Xmas lights cracked me up for some reason!

  2. Good for you Cathy, on the teaching. I am a certified McGown teacher and have a number of students at this time - I will tell you this - you will learn more from your students than you ever imagined that you could. Have fun with it and good luck to you. What a pleasure it has been this past year to read your blog. I love all of my friends in blog land. I wish you health, Joy and peace in the new year.

  3. I'm so excited for you!!!! Can't wait to hear more!! Way to go girl!!

  4. Oh I wish I could attend.Want to take a class on rug hooking but there's nothing in our area.Happy new year!~Amy

  5. Cathy, I couldn't be happier for you. This is so wonderful. Just think of all the lives you will be affecting with your gift of teaching to hook beautiful rugs, and the joy it will bring to their lives. Hooray for you girl.
    Now don't you think that those wee wrinkles and crinkled skin makes you look more like a mature and experienced teacher.

    I agree with Doris. You will learn a lot from your students. I was a certified Ceramic teacher and I learned a lot from students that stretched themselves outside the box. And just think, you're getting paid for playing. Hugs, JB

  6. I almost forgot (because I'm old) to wish you Happy New Year Cathy. JB

  7. This is so exciting Cathy. I wish I could attend your class. I want some of your design ability to rub off on me.
    You have to wear the red boots to your first class!

  8. Oh, that is so cool!!! Congratulations!!!
    I know you will be a wonderful teacher and a great artistic inspiration to your students.
    Yep, wear the red boots!

  9. Oh, that is such a wonderful teach other all that you know..Good for you...Will be watching your posts in the New Year.....

  10. Cathy ~
    How exciting. Sure wish I could take your class. I have so much to learn and I bet you'll be a great teacher!
    Hugs :)

  11. Unfortunately Parma is too far to participate in your class, but I would have participated with a lot of enthusiasm :D

    Happy new year

  12. Cathy, I can't imagine anyone who would approach this class with more gusto and "red boot 'tude" than you. Way to go. I'm sure you students will adore you. And this will be just the beginning. What a fabulous start to this new year.

  13. Congratulations!! Have fun ~ enjoy it ~ they're gonna love you!!! Happy New Year!!

  14. So exciting! I love the link also very cute.
    have so much fun teaching.

  15. Wow this was great news tonight to find out about you! How exciting and I only wish I could be there to take the classes. Please enjoy every minute of it and they are lucky to have you as their teacher
    Happy New Year

  16. If you got some sort of hot glue gun glue the inside of the pencil so the pencil want go backaand forth. Theer you have a birdhouse.

    custom size wool rugs

  17. I also recycle garments and have done some hooking and braiding. There are so many different stabilizers and they all behave differently...if it's the nice rayon kind that just peels right off I might try, the others I use the fabric I can easily salvage and toss the rest.

    custom wool area rugs


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