Thursday, December 30, 2010

Looking Forward!

Leaving a decade behind is almost too much for me to bear.  So, I am looking forward, trying in earnest not to drag the past into the present.  Today's post is foolishness to say the least.  What better way to prepare for the turning of the calendar tomorrow night than to while away a dark winters day taking odd photos of myself!

Horizontal tends to slim a person.  No?  Well, I thought I'd give it a try!

One of the things I've been noticing around here the last few days is crepe neck.  As in crepe paper! Yikes!  Well, the more I look at it, I kind of like it.  Really.  It has a kind of thin, opaque, curious sort of texture. Almost angelic. Maybe I should check for wings sprouting on the backside!

Nope. Nothing yet. 
That's a good thing. 
I am staying grounded for awhile yet.  As a matter of fact I am preparing for a class. Something new for 2011.  I am getting ready. 

And if you can believe it......this goofy, crepe neck, aging, wingless, creature isn't going to be a student.
No sir.  She's gonna be the teacher!

Sweet Blessings in 2011!

Cathy G


  1. Happy New Year Cathy!

    I think you look great. I have the same problem when I look in a mirror and see this strange 58 year old looking back at me. Solution: avoid mirrors and surround yourself with people around the same age!

    Blessings to you and yours in 2011


  2. Hey Cathy!
    You Look Absolutely Fabulous Dear!
    I say Embrace Life, You only have one shot!
    Hope you have a wondeful new year..
    Tisha and the Skippy....

  3. I do my best to avoid mirrors and photos!! I am in such denial!!!
    Happy New Year!

  4. You are beautiful, fun and creative, students lucky to be in your class ... excellent project!!!

    Happy 2011

  5. I always knew Angels had long white hair! And fly horizontally when they're going places fast!
    I think the suggestion about surrounding ones-self with others of a similar age is excellent advice. We have matured to the point where we can be tolerant of the eccentricities of others and ourselves.
    OK, are you going to tell us WHAT you are teaching??? Rughooking? Decorating? Photography? You have so many talents it's hard to guess!
    Do we have to wait till the new year???

  6. What a post - love it - I think i'm getting that crepe paper neck too - and I've noticed my hands recently - well we won't go there! Anyway - you look great! Do tell what you are teaching?

  7. You look Maaavelous Cathy!! Enjoy each day to the fullest! Can't wait to hear what you are teaching too......

  8. Such gorgeous thick hair! Love the pictures. Now, tell us what you will be teaching?? We all might want to sign up for your class.

  9. I hate to have my picture taken. I always look at it and think they took a picture of an old person not me. yikes yes what will you be teaching?

  10. Cathy, what a hoot you are. I love your post. Can you believe that this old girl turned her head sideways to see you horizontal? Well I did. You are a doll, a good looking crepe paper doll.

    I'm sure that the students will all love you.

    I'll be 65 next November and it's time for a profile update but I like the old photo better. Right now my hands are like sand paper, my neck is like crepe paper and that not the only thing that's like crepe paper, maybe more like crap paper, lol and my eyes are baggy like a hound dog. My hair is thinning and I don't think that you want to hear more. I earned every wrinkles and crinkles and I'm not going back. I'm looking forward to a great year reading your blog. Have a Happy New Year Hugs. JB

  11. Cathy ~
    Thanks for making me smile. I, too, turned my head sideways to see you. You look TERRIFIC!!! I especially notice the aging of my hands. My skin is fragile like that of an OLD person. Can that really be me?
    I, too, would love to know what you are teaching. Sure wish I was closer to you.
    Happy New Year!
    Pug hugs :)

  12. I so enjoy your blog and your wit! What a breath of fresh air you are!
    And that magnificant hair!!!!!!!!
    Girl, you are too young to be worrying about crepey-ness. You are a mere babe!
    Now about those red shoes you have..............

    P.S. What will you be teaching???? What fun you will be, whatever it is.

  13. 'tis great to start a new year being silly and grounded! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  14. I am born and raised in living in NW arkansaslove reading your blog ans seeing your picture's of wi.......Happy New Year!


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