Monday, November 1, 2010

Rugs and Roses

When life gets the craziest it seems the rug ideas flow the best for me.  Has to be the energy flowing to the brain or at least my desire to make some sense out of all the chaos.  Along with the usual readying the nest for winter we've started a new little remodeling project and we're still in the process of helping my Mom complete her selling and buying of another home.

The rug I'm working on is a snowman pattern I designed that I'm calling simply "CHILL".  It's a reminder to do just that when things are getting rather hectic.  The photo above is a little sneak peek.

Last week a knock on the door sent the dogs barking and racing to see who the visitor was.  My husband's boss stood with a dozen long stem roses for me.  Ah yes, the Rotary Club sells roses each year to people in the work place to raise funds for local projects.  The beautiful blooms look fabulous but aren't known for their deep rose scent that one expects from roses. I found my best heavy crystal vase and arranged them nicely.

The small remodeling project I mentioned above is part of another idea that may transpire here sooner or later.  The project are these windows located between my studio and the breezeway entry to our home.  My studio is an add on to the back of our house which was an enclosed porch when we bought the house.   A while ago we remodeled the studio making it a four season room instead of the summer porch that it once was.  The windows are on a wall separating the studio and breezeway.

My idea was to remake the windows into shelving for wool.  The windows are now removed  and framed for some shelving.  Hubby and his friend Dann are doing this in their "spare" time. LOL. So when they make a little more progress  I'll post some photos.  I'll leave you with the following photos of what it looks like now.

Remember to stop and smell the roses regardless of whether they smell like roses!

Windows before


  1. Sounds like a wonderful place to put shelving. Why is it that no matter how much shelving we have it's never enough? Love that you got roses. What a nice gift.

  2. Can't wait to see the finish of that rug Cathy cause as Freddie Prinz would say it's "LOOOKING GOOOOD"!!!!
    How lucky are you to have more places to put wool!!!!! That's always a Good Thing!!!!

    I think it's kinda sad about roses that the smell is gone. A florist told me long ago that they use things to grow them for longevity and that takes the sent away. Personally I'd rather have the scent and be very willing to give up the longevity for it.
    Thank You for your kind words on my blog Cathy,that's what I have in my life,the kind words of others that mean so much to me.

    Now hurry up and get that rug done so I can see it!!!!
    From Sherry's Heart

  3. Wow, that beautiful rooms...have always dreamt a typical American house with the parvis and the rocker!

    From child I dreamt thinking about living to Walnut Grove, as Laura Ingalls of "Little House on the Prairie", my preferred television series...adorable!


  4. "Chill" is looking really cute.
    Luck girl roses. How pretty they look.
    Shelves in place of the windows, great idea, never have enough room to store wool.

  5. Isn't it just the best having fresh flowers in the house?

  6. I like it, I like it! Can't wait to see the whole thing.

  7. Cathy, new shelves, beautiful roses and a new snowman rug called Chill is all so very uplifting. I'll be waiting to see the rug and the shelves finished.

    I love roses in the garden the most because that's wherelive longer andy smell the best. Keep warm. JB

  8. Would you look at the spelling mistakes. Sorry about that Cathy. I meant to say that I love roses in the garden the most because that's where they live longer and smell the best. JB

  9. Oh Cathy - Mr. Chill is looking mighty cool! Need to see more! How nice to open the door to a dozen roses! Love the idea of the windows being made into shelves! Great idea!

  10. Cathy ~
    Love the snowman. Your color choices are spectalular!
    Roses are good, but you are so right about the scent, or lack of.
    More shelves = more wool :)

  11. I love the snowman and lucky you on the roses!!!

  12. LOVE that little snowman rug!!! Great colors, design and movement! I think some nice old colored glass bottles would look fabulous on your new shelving! Can't wait to see the final reveal!

  13. Love the idea of the shelves Cathy! Tell your hubby "we" are waiting lol.
    Your roses are beautiful :). I agree stop to smell the roses even if they don't smell like roses. And I've been smelling skunk lately lol. I was told that means an early Spring! although this time I think the skunk just zigged when he should have zagged :). Have a great day!

  14. Oh, the Roses are so Special this time of year. They bring a Smile to my face I know!!!
    Your addition is starting to look pretty Cozy.

    You DO have an eye for color with your Rugs.
    'Chill' is lookin' good...

    My Best

  15. I've been hooking just bags lately, but when I stop by here, you always get me fired up to do another rug or mat. It's your color choices and designs. I love the way you work those greens in. I so have studio envy. Your spot is wonderful!

  16. Love the snowman can't wait to see the whole thing. Any storage for wool is a great thing.
    will you be able to see the wool from both sides or is is goint to be closed in?
    I love flowers esp. this time of year. come dead winter I have to get a fix once a week.


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