Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall Cats Done!


Hi all!  Glad you decided to come back and visit!  Not sure if anybody would still be on board after I introduced "His Royal Orangeyness" the other day!  Yep, that's what I look at day after day around here.  I don't have an automatic dishwasher either.  But I do have one who comes around now and then when I  get too far behind on the piles of dirty dishes.  His name is Dave.   With the weather cooling off as it is here now I don't mind sticking my hands in the hot and sudsy beast everyday either.  It actually helps to soothe these old arthritic hooking hands!

Look at how the Fall Cats pattern by Kelley Belfast turned out!  I couldn't be more pleased.  I am really getting addicted to these larger strips and hand tearing the majority of strips for the background. I like the uneven and more primitive look it gives. Below are the wools I used in the background.  I think there is a darker bronzy one I used a smidgeon of that didn't make it in the photo. 

The rug measures 12 by 22 inches and looks good every single place I put it in my house!  I am on a quest now to get my hands on more patterns by Kelley Belfast!  Maybe a Christmas one is in order.  Do you all have a favorite one of hers that you have hooked?  Thanks for that give-away Kel!  I'm comin' to talk to ya!

Hooking rugs wool


  1. Hi Cathy,

    Everything about this mat is wonderful. I love all the textures in that background. you are definitely one prolific hooker!!!

  2. I love that mat and adore the background colors.
    I am going to have to try one of the larger hand torn patterns. I love the look.

  3. Cathy,
    You are so darn talented! I love this rug. You may even be nudging me towards the larger cuts.
    I'm still laughing that the mystery of the orange sink is actually an orange sink. I think its fabulous!!

  4. Cathy ~
    WOWZA! I love it. Your background is simply amazing.
    Hugs :)

  5. First I love your orange sink. I have a gray on now where as fun as yours. and second is Dave your husband? because that would my husbands name. weird huh. I have never hooked with torn pieces not sure I would know how to begin. and is it hard on your wrist?

  6. Cathy, you did a fabulous job on your cat mat. The colors are beautiful... Since I've only hooked with narrow wool strips on burlap I have no idea how hooking with wider strips on linen feels. Maybe some day when I'm done using all my burlap, I'll give it a try with wide strips on linen. It sure would go faster. JB

  7. i love it!!! turned out fantastic!! - now where did it find a home in your house???
    i met with my hooking group today and told them to take a look - i did not anticipate that you had it done yet!! they will ALL love it!!

  8. I do love your pieces and this one is especially nice. So wish I knew how to do this and envy all of you that make these rugs.
    Your so creative

  9. Oh Cathy, I love, love, love this rug. The colors are yummy and the pattern is so darn cute!!

  10. Ooooooh! LOVE the fall cat rug!!!! Yah... give Kelley a nudge to get some patterns going! :-)

  11. Funny that you showed the stack of wools that you used for your background, because when I looked at your finished rug, I thought to myself, "that is a BEAUTIFUL background"!
    Love it!

  12. Wonderful job Cathy! Love that background and love the idea of showing what you use. Gives a rug hooker the visual if they are struggling with picking colors. Awesome!

  13. Kathy - first let me say that I love your orange sink. Great adjunct to any kitchen. Now for hooking: I am a #3 cut girl but I love what you are dooing so much that I am going to try tearing some strips and see what happens. The background material you used are truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  14. That is a great little rug! Love the background done all in the same 'values' ~ I learned that at my last class!! Looks like you already knew about values! Job well done, Orange Sink!!!

  15. Cathy...I love this rug.....and the orange sink...and the green cupboard....and the old table....and your stacks of wool....I think I am going to have to send some members of the WOOL MAFIA to your house and spirit away a few things ! LOL !! Carol at

  16. Cathy, you are soooOOooOOo talented! Great looking rug and I love the Orange Sink. Certainly, that sink and you have an artistic flare!

  17. Turned out GREAT! I haven't been able to do any hooking for several weeks now because of my bum arm and I sure am missing it. Thanks for giving me a 'fix' for my favorite thing to do!

  18. Cathy, did you overdye any of the wool or is it off the bolt? I love it!

  19. Oh wow gorgeous rug! You do incredible work! Behind on my "blogging" have to go check out what this "orange" is!

  20. Cathy.... I'm not kidding when I tell you this is my most favorite fall rug! The background is what does it for me (the rest is also marvelous). I keep coming across the torn strip look, and must remember to try that out on my next large piece. Love the effect. Now... I don't know how I've missed this, but I've always thought your blog name "Orange Sink" was just so clever, and assumed that it probably had something to do with dyeing wool. As I peek below this post I'm seeing you really do have an orange sink! Love it! At our previous home I painted the fireplace mantel orange....

  21. your rug turned out beautifully.. and thanks for showing the wool you used.. that helps us newbies a lot.

  22. I love the colors in your background on this. All of your colors are beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog today!


  23. Love love love your rug. Certainly brought a smile to me today...and those yummy wools oh my!!! :)

  24. WOW!!!! You sure did a GREAT job on this rug,I love it!!!!!

  25. Very beautiful wool for very beautiful, is good!

    Adorable the little dog of the preceding post, here in Italy the race calls Barboncino, it is difficult to see color of it grey, they are usually white or red ;)


  26. Kelley's patterns are always inspirational, and do love your (at least to me) unexpected color palette. Green isn't the first color I associate with fall, but won't forget it after seeing this wonderful rug. Especially liked seeing your wools used, they look so soft I wanted to touch the screen. lol Thanks for sharing this!


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