Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving From Our Houses to Yours!

My Mom's new place.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving dear friend! My, that's alot of snow. Ours all melted so far.

    blessings to you and yours,

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Oh no, please keep the white stuff on your end....
    Your mom's new place is sweet! I hope she is settling in nicely.

  3. Happy thanksgiving to you and yours.
    Your mom's house is cute. Hope she is enjoying living near.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Cathy to you and all your family. Your mom's house looks very nice. I'm sure that she will be happy there. JB

  5. Hi Cathy,
    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    The snow is beautiful! I love looking at it, just not driving in it.
    Happy new house wished for your Mom!

  6. Cathy,
    I hope you had a wonderful day. Gee, you have a fair amount of snow down. Our little bit got rained away. (And yes, I was thankful)

  7. Hope you had a great day! It looks odd to see, but the snow looks beautiful!

  8. Cathy I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Love the looks of your mom's house and I know she must be happy being close to you. Please, please keep the snow!

  9. Cathy ~
    I vote for you keeping the snow, too :)
    May your mom be blessed with many happy years in her new home!
    Hugs :)

  10. I hope you had a nice thanksgiving. We got a bit of the snow but we have had freezing rain. Which I would rather have snow. How lucky you are to have your mom so close. thank you for your visit and comment it hasn't been as low as 8 yet in the low 20's is it. Cold enough for me

  11. Wow...look at the snow! Best wishes to you and your family. I hope that your Mom settles in nicely.

  12. I have friends been born in the Massachusetts therefore I have celebrated with them the Thanksgiving, it is always exciting, I felt me a lot of american girl...dream!

    Very beautiful the houses in the photos...also from you snow has arrived...adorable ;)


  13. I know the 'SNOW'S' coming BUT I'll let YOU keep it for awhile.
    While visiting my brother over the Thanksgiving weekend we had snow in Ma.. AND it was bitter Cold there for me too!!!
    I'll be heading down with him to Florida this Friday for two weeks for a bit of the Warmth to soak up in my Bones. Three Dogs, my brother and I...What a 'Hoot'...

    Loved viewing the Homes with or without the SNOW!!!

    My Best


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