Saturday, November 20, 2010

Almost Moved!

The first snow came a couple of days ago.  Just a dusting though by northern Wisconsin standards. Dave's fake deer he shoots arrows at in the back yard looked kind of pretty with his new coat of snow!

Mom is almost moved in to her house.  Just a few things left at her apartment that we'll be picking up tomorrow.  We had quite a crew of young and old guys (sorry Tracy and Ron, but you're still younger than me LOL) helping with the move this time.  They got a workout hauling things down three flights of stairs and trying to fit things in the elevator at the apartment building.  Many hands made the move quite smooth.  Of course there is always something that gets broken with every move.  This time it was the tote that fell from the top of the stack to the bottom of the trailer.  The masking tape label on the tote said "dishes from the china hutch".  What are the odds of that?!  Quite a few delicate pieces of china were broken including some pieces of thin bone china that my Dad had brought back from Japan when he was in the service in WW2.  I always marveled at how thin that china was and how it survived five kids growing up on a farm.  

My brother's Tracy and Ron.  Ron is one year younger than me and looks so much like my Dad it's scary.  They both drive truck and my Dad was a trucker for a number of years also.  The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree does it!

Here's the younger muscle of the crew.  My nephews Mike and Terry.  You met Terry in the last post.  Mike is currently a roofer.  Boy it was great having those guys do the heavy lifting.  I made a big pot of chili for lunch and I think they were hungry because they didn't even wait for me to set the table!  As soon as they got to my house they started grabbing bowls from the cupboard and started filling them up from the crock pot.  I had to laugh!   They had the fridge open and the food on the table before I could even turn around!  That was fine by me as I was so pooped all I wanted to do was crash on the sofa.  But it wasn't meant to be.  We still had boxes to go and beds to set up and make.  By 7:00 pm. Mom was ready to crawl in bed in her new place.  I'll show you some photos after we get a few more boxes unpacked.

I did manage to get a few boughs from the blue spruce in the backyard tucked into my window box.  I hope to get a few more decorations up but that may just be wishful thinking.
  I do have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Right now I am going to go soak in a nice hot tub of bubbles and think of all the things.  I'll be thinking how it was only one year ago when Mom was recovering from her heart surgery. Who would have thought in a million years she would be moving into her own little house just a short walk from our house.  Tonight she is tucked safely and happily in bed with her little dog Hans at her feet.  


  1. So nice that your mom is so close. and nice that family is willing to help.

  2. Was wondering how your mom's move went. Sounds like all in all everything went well and you deserve a good soak in tub!! I love your window box decor. One of the things I miss about being in Arizona is decorating for winter/Christmas. Just not the same when you see lights strung on a cactus!
    Hope you get to take it easy!

  3. What a nice "good news" post! Hope you're feeling rested this morning! More work ahead, I'm sure!!

  4. Hi Cathy,
    Horay! The moving is almost over, your Mom is tucked in bed, and you get to relax in the tub!
    I know it will be a relief to have her nearby where you can be there right away if she needs you.
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Give those doggies a hug for me.

  5. Hi Cathy - I have missed your blog - glad the move is over. So sorry about the fine china but remember this: Better to have a small amount of broken china than a broken heart!
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Happy to hear the move is pretty much complete.
    I'm sure it will be a comfort to have mom closer.

    I am ready for some snow here but this morning it is 62 degrees. Probably won't happen today.

  7. Moving is such hard work... I bet that bubble bath really felt heavenly! You will have such peace of mind having your Mom living close to you... Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  8. Che paesaggio stupendo si vede dalle tue finestre. Con la neve poi c'è già un'atmosfera così natalizia!

  9. Cathy ~
    I'm so glad Mom is all nestled snug in her bed. How nice she is so close to you. It does make life a bit easier. Sorry to hear about the china :(
    Your little A-frame shed is too cute and I love the window box.
    Hugs :)

  10. The photo of the backyard through the window is beautiful. So happy to hear that your Mom is all settled in her new home. It will be a blessed Thanksgiving for you both - new neighbors!

  11. So happy for you and your mom that she has finally moved. I hope that she will love her new home and I'm sure that she will be happy to be living close to you. It's sad some of the sentimental china got broken in the move especially because they were bought by your dad.

    The photo of your backyard is beautiful and I thought that it was a real deer by the shed.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and your American bloggers. JB

  12. I love the picture from warm inside of your newly fallen lovely!

  13. I hear ya. I spent 4 1/2 hours in the dentist's chair Tuesday and have oral surgery next week. I am such a big baby. I love the rich, bright colors in your photos. It takes my mind off my mouth! Hang in there.


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