Monday, October 18, 2010

What's In A Blog Name?

(warning-may contain clues)
Slightly over a year ago I washed up the nerve to start this blog. It was draining to say the least. I was so very nervous about a lot of things pertaining to the soapy business of writing a blog. I didn't want to end up just another dish rag on a stack of dishes. I was determined to stand out in the crowd. So for quite some time I became a lurcher. You know, blog hopping, eaves dropping, commenting a time or two. All the while thinking that when the day came for ME to finally hit the old publish button...what was I going to NAME MY BLOG??

It was crystal clear that I needed a name that was different. Yet I wanted it to reflect a little of what I was all about. My love of antiques and primitives came to mind. Also my rug hooking hobby was something I wanted to share. And there's this little secret soaking in the background that I haven't really touched on much in my blog posts. I am a closet interior decorator. OH YES! I love to design and decorate homes, rooms, bathrooms, studios, kitchens (clears throat).. Those blogs that feature room makeovers and crafty bloggers doing it on a budget really get my water running! So I am just now coming out of the closet on that.

Now as for the color orange. I never really considered it one of my favorite colors. I'm getting in deep water here. I have always had to have a touch of red somewhere in the house. I can live with a little red. Another favorite color is green. I also adore white, as in soapy bubbles white.

Oh and we mustn't forget photography, my new hobby. Taking after my mentor and sweet husband Dave....I have developed a fascination with picture taking. I have to admit sometimes it's easier to let a good photo do my communicating. I like to play with words but know at times I sound like a leaky faucet(drip) so rely on a good photo to keep my blog lively.

One thing that just blows my sprayer is seeing that I have 75 followers now! Okay, one is myself and a couple are my friends who I begged to follow when I first began. But seriously I have a gaggle of rug hookers and true artists who are following me. It puts the pressure on a girl. I want my blog to have content, more than just a few morsels of leftovers hanging around the bottom. In the days ahead I hope to take you with me down the pipes of my imagination. It's a place I need to explore so hopefully the Universe is listening and you faithful out there will slosh around a bit with me.

So, if you haven't thrown in the towel yet and are still following me, I hope to put all this in perspective and reveal why I chose this insinuative name for my blog. I promise you from the deepest basins of my heart, you won't be disappointed. If you can check back tomorrow ( LOL) my lovelies, old Orange Sink is finally going to COME CLEAN!

( I found the hand made crochet dish cloths in the photo above on Etsy- click here


  1. Hey Cathy,
    I'm ready to be rinsed down the drain! May be there's exciting stuff waiting.
    Somehow I imagine the Orange Sink being a companion piece to those 70's delights like the avacado green stove and the harvest gold fridge.
    Funky, but fun!
    Can't wait for the next post!!! Hehehe!

  2. Hey girl, I'll be waiting for you with my big green rubber boots on ready to slosh around in your orange sink. You have peaked my curiosity. Of course I'm still a follower. JB

  3. Oh the suspense.
    Will see you tomorrow.

  4. I'm beyond excited!! I thought I had missed your explanation because I didn't jump into the "sink" until some time after you started ~ or I thought that the name was obvious and that I was too dense to get it! And now I know that I wasn't the only one out of the loop ~ I reiterate ~ I'm beyond excited to find out the origin of this very unusually titled blog! At any rate, people like what you have to offer ~ I'm always amazed that folks are reading my drivel, as I call it!! Think of the 'entertainment' we provide!! I'll be waiting!!

  5. congradulations on 75 followers! I have an aunt who makes dish cloths so she keeps me supplied and I love them.
    I am up to 50 and blown away by that so I know how you feel. Can't wait to see the reason tomorrow.

  6. what a tease you are...LOL I'll tune in again tomorrow.

  7. Reminds me of forest green bedrooms and deep purple bathrooms! WOW - memories, memories =
    I'll be here tomorrow waiting with baited breath!

  8. Honey this is a great post. So happy you shared this info with us. It makes me feel like I know you so much better now.
    Glad you did join the world of blogging your a big asset to our world


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