Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Sunny Sunday with Some Fall Cats

Fall Cats Kelley Belfast Pattern
Started the pattern I won from Kelley B's blog KanknChester giveaway! I hooked and reverse hooked a little already as you can see around the flower. Using a little of this and a lot of that! Some wide hand torn and odds and ends from my worm basket! I struggle with the primitive and my colors always end up.......well.......a little more Orange Sinkish! Ya think?!!

I'm lovin' this pattern Kelley! Thank-you sweet girl!


  1. Cute little rug!! Wish I were hooking instead of doing office work!!

  2. Congratulations Cathy and thanks for sharing your progress of your new rug. Looking forward to seeing more progress. JB

  3. It's such fun to do a piece when you just use scraps and left overs. Always surprising how great the piece gets. Have fun with this one,

  4. I love, love love it ! Kelly's art is so special and I am so glad you were the winner ! The rug will be so cute ! Best regards, Carol at

  5. Orange Sinkish is good! LOL!!!
    What a cute little rug! You're doing a great job.
    I have trouble getting colors primitive too. What's with that???

  6. Oh I LOVE that pattern!! It's looks great, you are doing fine!!

  7. Cathy ~
    What a fun rug. Your colors are great. I just love the way you've hooked the pumpkins. I think it screams Orange!
    Hugs :)
    P.S. I've been wondering for ages where you came up with "orange sink" or is that a post I missed?

  8. I agree with Weaverpat - Orange Sinkish is fabulous! And please put Lauren and I out of our misery and tell the Orange Sink story!!!
    I do love that little rug!

  9. No Lauren,
    You didn't miss that post! It's been a long time a comin! I have been writing it for over a year! LOL Soon.....soon...... I promise!
    Cathy G

  10. Oh Oh! Now I have to tell the story! Kim is on it too!!! Maybe I'll get started this week! It's a long tale!

    Cathy G

  11. cathy, this looks so adorable!! - i bet you love your orange fallish halloween themes the most :-), haha!
    i tell you this sooooo makes me wanna grab the hook and my project!! can't wait to see it finished!

  12. love it! is so fun seeing my designs hooked up...especially by folks who have different ideas than me...Cotton Eyed Jo makes my little doodles sing glad you won cause your hooking is making my work look gooood!

  13. What a great pattern! And, love the colors you have chosen! :-)

  14. Your little fall rug is wonderful and it's always amazing to find out that your personal palette works just about everywhere. It certainly does in this fun little mat!

  15. I think you are doing a fabulous job making your rug look primitive. Love Kelley's designs. This one is super. Have fun!


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