Friday, October 1, 2010

Elvis Canned at Greunke's Inn

  If you're ever in Bayfield WI, DO NOT neglect to stop at Greunke's Inn. Besides having the best down home style food you'll have visited a favorite destination for countless celebrities and President John F. Kennedy. People all along Bayfield's quaint downtown still talk about Kennedy and his son John Jr. who frequented Greunke's Inn with friends while kayaking the islands and bays on Lake Superior. 
   The walls are plastered with signed photos and what have you from rock and roll stars to movie stars! Speaking of rock and roll stars, after a delicious breakfast and a few cups of coffee it was time for me to visit the ladies room. Keeping in mind this building is one hundred years old or more, the bathrooms are tiny and cramped with barely enough room to turn around. Clean as a whistle though! 
  Upon opening the door I was greeted by a life size cardboard statue of Elvis. In Elvis's unmistakable southern drawl the cutout announced "Hi! I'm Elvis!" Fearing I would be caught talking to a cardboard cutout in the ladies room I decided not to reply (I'm a little shy that way LOL) So while sitting there tinkling and giggling I wondered what else Elvis might have to say. After washing my hands and gathering myself I turned to exit the door. The Elvis voice spoke up "Thanks for lettin' me talk to ya!" I cracked up! The cleaning lady with scrub brush in hand was just exiting the adjoining men's bathroom and said to me "Was he in there talking again?" I said "I didn't mind as long as he kept it short and didn't start singing "You ain't nuthin' but a hounddog!" After all, a lady's got to have some pride!"    

Greunkes Inn Bayfield WI

Greunkes Inn Bayfield WI

Greunkes Inn Bayfield WI

Greunkes Inn Bayfield WI

Greunkes Inn Bayfield WI

Greunkes Inn Bayfield WI
The decor changes on a regular basis and you never know what you'll find on the walls  at Greunke's. (pronounced Gronk-ees).  Memorabila galore!  The owner has a tremendous collection of old rock and roll records, photos and collectibles.  

Greunkes Inn Bayfield WI

Greunkes Inn Bayfield WIGreunkes Inn Bayfield WI


  1. Looks like a fun place to visit! I'm guessin if you are in the ladies room too long he'd start singing "it's now or never"!

  2. Elvis in the bathroom was priceless. As long as his comments were appropriate I'd say you were a lucky girl that he noticed you. LOl...
    I'm sure that it's a trip down Memory Lane for a lot of folks. Thanks for sharing. I hope that your sinus infection is all better, Cathy. JB

  3. Lol. I am not sure I would have been able to "perform" in the restroom with a talking Elvis in the room. I would have had stage fright.

  4. Oh! Kim's comment is just too funny, and Joanne's "It's now or never" ~ priceless!
    Thanks for sharing all the pics. I especially love the fish in the beret :)
    Hugs :)

  5. Oh, these photos make me want to take a road trip bad! Your bathroom story is so funny! Greunke's looks like our kind of place. Thanks for checking in with me Cathy. I had updated that post after you commented, and I have an extra copy of the mag., so am having a little bloggy drawing for it next week. I'll toss your name in. Wonderful Saturday to you!!

  6. Oh this looks like so much fun. I especially like the fish in the scarf and beret. So stylish! Will have to put this on our to-do list!

  7. Oh, that Elvis, lurking in the Ladies Room!!! You just never know where that elusive character will show up! Around here people usually see him in Walmart.
    What a delightful place to eat! Love all the funky decorating. The work boots and the patchy cutoffs are too cool!
    Thanks for the great photos!

  8. What a fun down home place I can taste the food now. I love to look at all the fun things.

  9. oh, how fun! Elvis in the bathroom...and I am loving all the decor! I never get that far north, but will certainly remember to visit if ever I do. Thanks for all the great photos!


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