Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bayfield Wisconsin on Beautiful Lake Superior!

Okay Mom, you can quit loading stuff in the car for our trip to Bayfield now!! Leave some room for us!!

What a whirlwind trip it was! Rushing around to get things packed! We did have a great time despite Dave developing a toothache and me a gigantic sinus headache from which I am still recovering. I'll leave you to view a few memorable shots I took of the scenes we viewed. There is no place in Wisconsin quite like Bayfield. I have more photos to share but need to rest up a bit before I do! Hope you enjoy these!













I'll try to be back tomorrow with a few more photos and to tell you about my encounter with Elvis in the ladies rest room at Greunke's Inn, our favorite place to eat in Bayfield!
Cathy G 


  1. What a wonderful place! I love the statuary on the wall and the lushness of the plants. Everything is so beautiful there - one of mother natures beauty spots. I know you must have had a great time. Love the pic of the pups!

  2. Cathy, I'm sorry about your trip being cut short but your photos are food for the eyes. I would love to have beautiful landscaped gardens like in your photos. Looking forward to more photos. Wishing you a quick recovery. JB

  3. Wonderful pictures. I don't think I saw that much color here all summer long!

  4. Elvis in the ladies room???? I can't wait to read about that one! Great place - there are some very interesting statues in your photos.

  5. Cathy - It is amazing how much the trees have turned up there already. I think any place on the water with beautiful gardens sounds like Heaven! Hope you are feeling rested today. SUE

  6. Hi Cathy,
    I love the eager questioning look on Max and Smokey's faces, as if to say 'What's going on, where are we going?' They are sooo cute!!!

    What a beautiful place to vacation! I can see why it's a favorite place of yours. WOW! The gardens and statuary are fabulous! I love all the 'body parts' sitting around!!! LOL!

    Hope you and Dave are feeling better. What a bummer to get sick while trying to have a relaxing time away.
    Take care! HUGS from all of us!

  7. Gorgeous gardens and art. Sorry about the headache and the toothache. I find now as I get older, my "medication" packing takes longer than the clothes packing.

  8. hope you and Dave are feeling better soon. Great pics of your trip. I just love Bayfield and Greunke's! Can't wait to hear the Elvis story.

  9. Great photos - that first one is like they are saying "ARE WE THERE YET"! They are so adorable - Hugs to them! Hope you and Dave are feeling better - hugs for you two too!

    Okay those "body parts" are a bit eerie, but hey - I like horror movies!

  10. Hi Cathy,
    I'm thrilled that you stopped by my blog! We used to vacation north of Eagle River and have driven up to Ironwood several times. I used to cry when it was time to leave. :) Bayfield looks amazing! I've really enjoyed reading your blog...and I'm your newest follower.

  11. Love your pictures of Bayfield ~ looks like a wonderful spot!! Hope you're better soon ~ it's been a long haul here, too!!! I need a vacation, too!!


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