Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Trying to Win This Book!

Blomsterverkstad: Vinn min bok Blomstrande idéer * Win my new bok I thought I'd try and win this book but won't be able to read it because it's in Swedish. But the pictures will be wonderful I'm sure. I am going for it as my luck at winning these things has been pretty fair recently. So what the heck, may as well give it a shot!

A new little boutique opened in our town this week. I stopped in there briefly and signed up for the door prize. The main prize was a free purse every month for a year! Guess what! No, I didn't win that. darn. I did win a little door prize though. I don't know what yet because they were all wrapped. I will be picking it up the next time they open in April. They are only open 4 days each month. A new concept for small businesses these days. It seems to be working for them.

Hope you had a wonderful St. Patrick's Day. Gorgeous weather today but we may get some snow this weekend. I put away my winter boots yesterday. Was that dumb or what?


  1. LOL!!! Kathy, I think you should start buying lottery tickets if you don't already.
    Congratulations on the door prize! The purse each month would have been nice!!!
    Hope you don't have to drag those boots out again!

  2. Well, I can't wait to see what you have won. What fun.
    No more winter please. I am sick of the gray skies we have had. Did I say Depressing.

  3. Not only did I put away the boots, the shovels, I washed the trucks!

    But my tulips and crocus are peeking up out of the cold dirt and that is more than one month over last year!

    Hope you win Cathy!

  4. I hope you have another win. I did have to giggle about wanting to win a book you can't read though! hehe
    I have not been brave enough to put away the boots or change my winter tires. I think that might make the Karma people ugly. I will be patient (for a change) LOL


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