Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Got Mail!....Real Mail!

I have to tell you this past week the mailman was very good to me! He brought me a package I was eagerly anticipating. You see, my winning streak on winning give aways on blogs hasn't dried up yet! I was fortunate to win the give away on Jacque's blog The Doodles of My Mind This girl is one talented quilter as well as a rug hooker! OMG you should see her quilts! It boggles my mind that she can  find time to pick up a rug hook too! Come to find out she is a fellow Wisconsinite!   She lives a few hours away but nonetheless we are neighbors in comparison to the world wide web! Well, on to the loot! A couple of books I've had my eye on and a cute lamb coaster pattern on linen. I've always wanted that pattern .......but being the cheapster that I am never bought it for myself. Here's a pic.
The Deanne Fitzpatrick book is really wonderful. I am so happy to have it in my library! Thank-you Jacque for a very generous give-away. You've made my little hooker heart happy!
The mailman wasn't done yet!
All the way from Sweden this next package came! I took an online survey on the site I told you about a few posts back. Gudrun Sjoden . Just for filling out a survey they sent this cute bag, shown in the photo above in one of their fabrics I love. If you haven't visited their website do so. It is so full of fun bright colors that you can't help but be inspired! Click on the link to watch an inspiring video clip of Gudrun in her studio.
I am in a lull right now with hooking. I still need to mount the last rug I hooked on a frame. Yesterday I worked on digging through my wool to try and start organizing it. I'll save that for an entirely new post! My studio looks like a tornado went through but it's time I have some organization out there. It has a calming effect while I'm sorting and working with the wool. I'm hoping the next project can materialize if I give it some room and a place to settle! I think I see something in the far right corner of my mind a brewing!!


  1. Good luck with your organization project. I need to do the same, but in my office. It has been so busy and I can't think with the clutter, so maybe Monday I will just tidy.

  2. Congratulations on all your winnings.
    Sounds like a really fun day to me.

  3. Hi Cathy,
    CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are on a winning streak!
    And what lovely gifts!
    Hope the Gift of Spring is alwo on it's way!!!
    That's the one I'm looking forward to.
    Take care. Happy thoughts for warmer weather!


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