Thursday, December 10, 2009

With These Hands~I'm Stitching, Wishing, Hoping the Season is Bright!

I've been putting little tidbits on my sidebar of things I'm working on in between caring for my Mom and umpteen million other things.  Mom is back in the hospital.  I was thinking a few days ago that might happen.  Hopefully it will only be for a few days while they give her fluids to get her intestinal problems straightened out. Thankfully this time they put her in the local hospital which is only a few minutes from our home. We'll see if I get my wish that she not spend Christmas in the hospital.
In the meantime,staying up late to work on it, I  finished a pillow for a gift pictured above. I got the idea from the book With These Hands by Maggie Bonanomi .  Love that book.  There are so many projects in it that I want to make.  I just took two of the projects here and combined them to make this pillow. It is all wool with the pieces cut freehand style for a primitive look.  I hope my friend likes it!


  1. I hope your mom is home in time for Christmas! And I just love giving handcrafted gifts too!

  2. I sure hope your mom is better soon and home with you for Christmas. Your pillow is turning out beautifully!! I have not bought Maggie's book but I do need to get it. I have heard great things about it. Merry Christmas ♥


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