Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas Countdown

May your Christmas be Merry and Bright or Silent as the Night if you prefer it. I snapped this photo of the trees out side of the local hospital. Ya, the one where my Mom will NOT be staying for Christmas. She is back in her apartment and God willing will be able to stay home for Christmas. Just a few more days to go. We will make it.
This is a tree inside the hospital that was decorated by one of the staff. Gorgeous tree with big apple slices on a string.

Dogs Love Santa too!
Smokey and Max are still having fun with Santa, the wood pile is going down, and I've started a new rug!! I'll show you in a few days! Have a Blest and Peaceful Holiday my friends.


  1. I'm so glad to hear that your Mom is home for Christmas. Those Christmas trees are beautiful but I'm sure you are thrilled you don't have to see them everyday through the holidays! Hospitals seem extra sad this time of year.
    Hugs to you and yours,

  2. Hi Cathy,
    Glad your Mom will not have to be in the hospital for Christmas! Oh, I can't wait to see the new hooking project!
    Peace and Serenity.
    Pat W

  3. Glad to hear your mother will be home for Christmas. Thanks for the festive shots -- especially your banner! What fun.

    Happy Holidays,

  4. in the photo of Smokey and Max: poor santa, everyone's having fun but him! LOL!

  5. Having your mom home for Christmas is such a gift in itself. Smokey and Max would get along fine with Maddy as she loves to tug her binkies as I call them.

    Merry Christmas, dear Cathy, to you and your mother and a prosperous and healthy New Year!!


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