Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hooking and Stripping! Dyeing and Dreaming!

I guess it's pretty clear where my mind has been lately! With Christmas past, and even before the last Santa laughed, I was out in the Wool Studio doing my hooking dance!
This rug will entertain many firsts for me. The first and most enjoyable being the tearing and stripping of the wool by hand instead of using a cutter! Why have I not tried this before? I think I may just toss out the old Bliss cutter and never look back! I love it because you hook with these gigantic wide strips of color and texture. Speeds the process up and you cover a lot of ground in a hooking session. The look is fabulous! Big plushy loops. Kind of a contained sloppiness if you will. Okay, primitive. Isn't that the look we primitive lovers crave? This rug measures 18 inches by 38 inches long. A bigger rug for me than the mostly smaller projects I've had the time to work on these last few months!
I'm having my hooking fix big time here. My mind wanders to the new year and the plans I'm conjuring up! Lots and lots of plans! I feel I must make up for this last year I lost due to caring for Mom. I'll still be limited for time as my duties are not over concerning her care in the coming months. But maybe, just maybe I can get back on track a little here. There's so much to do. Mounds of wool waiting to be dyed, rugs in my brain waiting to be drawn on paper! So much, so much! Universe, what have you in mind for me this year?


  1. Cathy,
    Your wool studio looks fun. I have my supplies scattered all over the house. I'm still in the dreaming stage of hooking but I hope to get back at it in a few days. I'm still re-grouping from Christmas.

  2. Hi Cathy,
    Those wide strips look really good! Tearing them is a great idea. Eliminates buying those super-wide cutter blades that everyone is wanting now.

    Hope your life is less busy and stressful in the coming year so that you have lots of time for the FUN stuff. Like hooking....

  3. Cathy !
    I love those handtorn strips too, it feels so free not to have to get up to the cutter and if the colour doesn't work you only have one unwanted strip instead of 4.
    Wish I was there hooking with you!

  4. YUMMY rug! How wide are you tearing your strips? That sounds like a really fun way to hook - I'll have to try it some time! Your studio looks so inviting - wish we could all come over and spend the day with you!

  5. I love doing the relaxing...well, maybe not relaxing, but it helps you to get rid of lots of least it does for me. Your pictures make me wish I was there with you joining in on the fun!

  6. Wow! You've been hard at work. ove your studio.

    Thanks for the kind words and for reading my lament. The new year will bring good things to all of us.


  7. Hooking and wild woman you!

    I LOVE that rug!!

  8. Cathy...
    Beautiful images and COLORS!!!
    Seems like their ALL my favorites...

    Wanted to Wish you a VERY Happy New Year with the warmth of Family and Friends around you...

    A better Year ahead...

    Always My Best~Marilyn

  9. looks like you are having loads of fun! i have not made a rug in 40 years... i even took spinning and dying in college, its fun working with it all and you have a great space to do it.

    happy new years and thanks for all your sweet comments!

  10. Wish I had a rug studio. Your place and your rug look FUN!


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