Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Birthday Tears, Friends With Good Cheers!

Whew! Another birthday gone with the wind and snow! Thanks to all of you great blogger friends for all your heartfelt birthday wishes! Pat,Dulcy,Corinne,Laurie,Katie,Julie,Marilyn,and all who commented! I'm glad you like the blog header of Smokey and Max dashing through the snow. Dave is a sports photographer and captures the most amazing action shots of the dogs. If he lets me I hope to share more of his photography with you this coming year!
My most amazing friends who are my next door neighbors, saved me from sitting in front of the computer all day yesterday with tears and feeling old and blue! Lisa foraged the neighborhood for fresh pine, cedar,sumac and all kinds of dried stuff from the garden for making arrangements. Lisa's dining room table and floor became the creating center! Mary shared a box of vintage ornaments that Lisa and I drooled over! Then the creating began! After much chatter about everything from eating fiddle-head ferns to actually eating some of Mary's amazing meal-in-themselves fruitcake cookies, we had some gorgeous arrangements to carry home! Lisa got so caught up in the creative spirit she went on to create more arrangements for some older people in our neighborhood who live alone! What can I say, blessed are we to live here amongst strangers who have become the closest of friends! Merry Christmas you guys and please when you see Dave shoveling the 15 inches of snow tomorrow send someone over with their snowblower!



  1. those snow dashers! And a Happy birthday and Merry Christmas to you...all in one!

  2. Cathy, I'm so glad you had good friends to help get you through the day. The greenery arrangements are lovely and the picture of the three of you is great!
    Have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  3. Cathy, It looks like you had a great birthday. What's better than good friends, eh!
    Celebrate every year - women are like wine - we only improve with age!
    And Merry Christmas Friend!

  4. Merry Christmas Cathy and what lovely neighbours you have.

    Like Kim said, women only improve with age and if the world was run by us, what a different place it could be!


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