Monday, November 23, 2009

A Hooking Hangover! It Was An All Nighter!

Every now and then she becomes obsessed. Last night was one of those times. It was raining, yes raining(November 22 in northern Wisconsin). Had it been snowing....yeowzer!, we'd have a foot of it on the ground today. Nope, it rained all night. I know because I was up all night hooking like an obsessed mad woman!

This rug was talking to me. The wool was whispering sweet songs of twinkling lights, pine scents and delicious reds and greens. How could I put it down and go to sleep. Just one more loop, one more row of "comforts of joy!".

Every now and then a rug I'm working on will talk to me. When it starts I best not turn a deaf ear. It doesn't happen that often. So I hook. Into the night and wee hours of the morning.

So today I feel like crap.

I'm looking at my little mat today and wanting to pick up the hook again. I want to fill in all the blank areas with red and stand back for a look. Will it talk to me again? Will it say "There ya go crazy woman! Was it worth it? Hooking all night like a nut!." I'll tell ya tomorrow.



  1. Of course it was worth it! Look how nice it is!!! Love those cute little trees!!! What's wrong with being a madwoman, anyhow??? It's what we practice for all our lives....

  2. Love seeing how your rug evolved!

  3. Love it! I can see why you were up all night. The trees are great--did you use a textured wool?

  4. Thanks everyone! I used the same plaid wool for the trees as in the border. There is only 3 different wools in this rug. The large red, green and yellow plaid, the yellow gold, and a plain red. It's amazing what you can do with a plaid. I cut some strips from the yellow stripe in the plaid and am using that to fill in the trees. It's as though the trees are all decorated. Cathy

  5. Cathy

    Simply beautiful! I get obsessed like that at times too and hear the whispers. What joy in having passion for our fibre projects.


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