Sunday, November 22, 2009

He Hunts, She Hooks.....At least He Brought Home Some Venison!

I'm out in the studio wondering what in the heck I'm doing! I've had this gorgeous wool laying around for some time now and it never seemed to want to be included in any of my hooking projects. I hated to cut it. It has a nice Christmasy look and feel. Well, yesterday it got the better of me so I cut it. I randomly started to hook  to see what it looked like.  I added a bit of the Yellow/Gold wool. So now what? I'm kind of stuck here. Why do I do these things??!! I have a habit of charging ahead without doing the full color planning thing. In this instance I didn't even have much of a design in mind. I only had in mind pulling some loops, to see what happened. Well, it happened. Here it is in all it's loveliness. Waiting to see what it decides to be. What IS the matter with me??!!


  1. COOL! No wonder you hated to cut that wool - but I bet you will be glad you did. Before I read your post, just looked at the photo - I thought what a great Christmas hooked wreath. Hmmm.....

  2. what is the final project going to be? I can't wait to see it as that color is HOT. Looks like a nice weight of wool to hook with.

    I hardly ever color plan, I just grab and go.


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