Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Selling Blog Is Open~How'd I Do That???

It's midnight and I'm still awake!

The last few days have been a blur......getting home from the hospital, getting Mom settled comfortably, getting everything back to somewhat normal around here. Mom is doing wonderful! Everyone is tucked in for the night so I can sit here and ponder. How did I make it through the last couple of weeks? How did I manage to learn how to create another blog for which I intend to sell a few things? How.......Oh well, the blogging gods must have been watching over me, that's all I can say.

So join me on this new venture if you will. The link to my new selling blog is over there on the right. Just click on the Autumn Trio Rug and you'll magically end up there. I will be adding more things for sale. I am as curious as you to find out what things! So go check it out and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Cathy - i didn't realize your mom was just released this weekend! i'm so glad to know she's recovering well. my mom had an emergency quadruple bypass 11 years ago and is doing just great. modern medicine, the human body and the strength of our mothers is truly amazing. all the best wishes for her continued recovery!


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