Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mom's Surgery and My Selling Blog


I'm home from the hospital for a brief moment. Mom came through her heart valve replacement surgery just fine. She is out of intensive care and everything seems to be progressing along quite nicely. Oh, the marvels of modern medicine. A natural tissue pig valve is now functioning in her heart. I am still teary at the thought of all that has happened these last few days. My Mom is this little bit of a thing. She's never weighed more than 95 pounds her entire life. To see her come through this and all that she's endured this year since Mother's Day in May seems nothing short of a miracle. I am so in awe to have witnessed the strength of the human will to survive. To cherish each day of life we have is not optional. Being grateful for all we have is a constant.

I needed a little project to stitch on to calm my nerves while in the waiting room so this little Halloween mat was just the ticket. I cut out the pieces from my wool stash and stuck them on with a smidgeon of glue. I hate battling pins while stitching. This is an easy peasy little pattern from Bareroots.

I'm off to pack up for my trip back to Marshfield Hospital tomorrow. When I get back home I hope to set my selling blog in motion and provide a link to it here. I am so excited about being able to offer some of my work for sale on this WWW. Blessings! Cathy


  1. Wonderful news that your Mom is doing well. She is lucky to have you looking out for her. Now you can take a deep breath and give thanks!

  2. So happy to hear your Mom is doing well! Keeping hear and you in my thoughts and prayers.

    It was so GREAT to meet you in person in Stillwater last Saturday.
    It's been a crazy week around here, but the studio is back together and a great group of hookers were gathered there today!

    Love your little Halloween mat...working with wool is so healing! ~Laurie

  3. Cathy

    What wonderful news about your Mom! She might be small, but her spirit is very large and courageous.

    I will be looking forward to your selling blog!


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