Lately I've been feeling like a fly caught in a spider's web. Since May of this year I have been the primary caregiver for my Mom who is 79. It seems like an eternity ago that she was living alone in her home with her dog.
She almost died. The marvels of the medical world brought her back after a month in the hospital and a month in the nursing home. If anyone is familiar with Staph infection you know the damage it does if it doesn't kill you. Mom has a damaged and badly leaking heart valve as a result. This infection also crept into her eye. A procedure in the first few days in the hospital saved the eye but a difficult cataract surgery will be done after she has the heart valve replacement surgery on Oct. 8th.
I really never thought when this all began that I'd see her being able to live on her own again. Now, there is hope. But we need to make a change. She lives rather secluded in a wooded area too far for me to travel to on a daily basis. She wants to make the change. We have begun the process of putting her house on the market and finding her a safe and more suitable home for her future.
I started this blog as part of a dream I had to venture into something creative, exciting and as a way to connect with other rug hookers, artists, people around the globe. Sometimes I'm not sure which direction my blog is going. I know it has been a wonderful place for me to go when I feel like I can't take one more day of Dr's appointments, waiting rooms, hospitals, screw-ups, sick people, my own fears, anxiety..........oohhhhhh....this web feels like it's completely wrapped around me.......I have to quit fighting it. I need to slow down and really feel this web. It is silky smooth, strong, and so very fine. How can it hold that huge bumble bee I saw hanging in it today?
It just does. It's a beautiful thing. I can focus on the positives, the things I've learned, through all these struggles of late. They support me. Whatever comes next, I know I can make it. I feel so fragile, yet I feel strong.
Thank-you for listening today. I hope to be posting again soon. I have to take it one day at a time right now.
(My wonderful supportive hubby took that beautiful photo of the spiders web while walking through the woods the other day. Please click on it to see all the fabulous detail in that spider's web.) I have to add though, spiders really creep me out!