Thursday, November 2, 2017

Remodeling This "Home Sweet Home" Continues!

The long awaited new windows are finally being put in today! My excitement was mixed with a little anxiety as the snow flurries and cold temps yesterday kept me wondering how we were going to survive during the time the old windows came out and new ones put in!  
Our small dining area is windows all around and a door which is also being replaced. 
Oh and the bedroom windows too... so lots of work going on here today!

Yup that's snow on the deck railing!  Surprisingly enough the day is rather mild and Max and I are staying quite cozy through it all with a little space heater going in the living room!  It's only about 39 degrees outside!

The large front window is in.  It replaced two double hung side windows and a picture window.

A new door awaits to replace the old screen door and door.  I like the style of the old one but it is not very energy efficient and is rotting away slightly too. So it's time!

Here's a pic I took earlier this Fall before the snow!  I can't wait to see the difference the new windows will make!

This is a little antique sampler I found a while ago while antiqueing with some friends. It is framed under glass so couldn't get a very good photo.  I love the misspelled word "thers"! 
My header photo is a rug I hooked recently for a dear client.  It is my "Home Sweet Home" design.  
While in the midst of all the remodeling we've done lately I keep thinking how fortunate we are to be able to make these changes.
I do like to keep things simple and sometimes the changes to an older home involve more time and money than we'd anticipated.
But.. it is our home and we'd like to live here for years to come God willing!
It's getting sweeter by the minute..  so stay tuned for those "after" photos!

Cathy G


  1. Can't wait to see the finished project, it's going to be lovely.

  2. Looking good! I have about the same old windows in our 1850 coloniel. I bet you'll feel a big difference!! ENJOY!

  3. What a difference those new windows will make!
    What a sweet little sampler. Perforated paper, right?
    Happy fall. No snow here (yippee) and being so close to Lake Erie have not yet had a frost!!!

  4. Life is looking sweet at your house. Everything is coming together really well. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished project.

    I can't believe you already got snow. Time to cosy up by the wood stove.
    Hugs, Julia

  5. It is always so exciting to redo an old house. It looks great and so does the rug

  6. I enjoy watching your home become more sweet as each project is completed...I'm still on the fence about updating or I'll continue to save for either eventuality...

  7. Done just i time! They look nice!
    Happy Fall Cathy!

  8. It is such a blessing to be content with one's home. My favorite childhood book is "My nest is best" in all the world I believe my nest is best. We have some work to do in our home and I am dreading the mess. I have enjoyed following your remodeling, everything looks wonderful.

  9. You will love your new windows! Snow? That's alright you have plenty of beautiful wool to keep you warm :) Enjoy your day!

  10. Your home is wonderful! I have enjoyed watching all your projects! New windows give a whole new look to older homes. We love our older home and the improvements we have made in the past twenty nine years make us love it even more. Your Christmas rug is lovely...and the little sampler is a sweet treasure.
    Have a great week,

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