Sunday, July 23, 2017

Remodeling Begins....

I've always had issues with narrow doorways! 
This one is our bedroom doorway... or I should say WAS our bedroom doorway.....

Last week the remodeling started on this doorway which is something I've wanted for a very long time! I could always envision a wider opening... kind of utilizing the hallway making it seem more a part of the bedroom.  Well.....

.....mission accomplished! I could feel the difference in the room immediately as the doorway  went from a mere 30 inches wide to a whopping 72 inches wide!! 
Oh be still my heart!  Never having to bump my elbows or struggle to get a piece of furniture ( which happens frequently around here LOL!) through that old narrow door!

I've also never been a fan of looooonnngggg narrow hallways... but ranch style houses usually come with them!
In this case it was a blessing... the long wall....  because it allowed space for this......

A HUGE 6+ foot rolling door!  Yes... the beauty had to be custom built! Our talented carpenter Dan Borntrager did a great job on the construction and installation!

I held my breath as the guys carefully carried it through the doors 

to it's new home on the bedroom door opening!

Using a burnished steel track and rolling hardware it works so slick!  Rolls super smooth and quiet!  
I probably won't keep it closed much... I am loving the more spacious feel!  
We have more remodeling in the bedroom underway as I write.

Dave is tearing out the closets in there.... wait! I changed my mind several times on this idea due to a dire lack of closet space already in this house!! 
But never fear...  
a small bedroom directly across the hallway will become a big walk-in closet!  But my printer, bolts of wool and all my pattern making supplies, file cabinets etc....  need to find a new home.
Don't worry... I've got it all figured out!
The extent of my "hair brained" ideas 
never seems to end!  LOL!

So carry on honey... the sooner you can get the old closet torn out..
the sooner I can paint, have Dan do a little remodeling to remove yet another door, install new laminate flooring and  a few more changes can take place! 

In the meantime.. I need to go check on the new rolling door!
And pick out a door handle!! 

The fun begins!!

Cathy G


  1. What an awesome project! Or should I say projectS. My husband would have a cow if I even suggested doing something like that. Way to Go!

  2. Your new door is very cool! Looking forward to seeing all your changes!

  3. Very cool it is always fun to remodel

  4. Looks great, Cathy! I wanted a sliding barn door for my laundry area but my idea was shot down....Yours is really cool and really big!!! It will seem like a new house when you're all done!!

  5. What fun!! It all looks wonderful and I am sure it will be just as much fun getting to look just as you see it in your mind. I love that rolling door on your bedroom. Its going to look just awesome.

  6. Oh how fun! Love that rolling door!! As soon as I saw the pic with your wide opening I wondered if that's what you were doing. Sounds like lots of fun ideas will be coming to fruition soon! Lori

  7. Love it. My husbands nephew remodeled a small old home and put an actual barn door on the rolling track in it. Clever. And it cost next to nothing.

  8. I love the idea of this bigger door. Its more practical and it's just awesome. I like that you know what you want and go for it. It will look awesome.
    Hugs, Julia

  9. What a lot of changes! It's looking great!

  10. Really looking great! We installed 2 barn doors in our home, I love them!! Looking forward to more pictures on the remodel!

  11. Wonderful garden!
    Loved your photos!
    Loved the wheel barrow especially!


  12. Love the rolling door! Great job!

  13. No matter what you dream up, magic happens. I finally got through August and was able to lift my head and look around. I am sure you already have the closet part looked after and it is awesome as well. Enjoy these dog days.

  14. The information along with the photographs is excellent. Keep up the good work
    Bathroom remodeler Austin


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