Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Our June Second Tuesday H00K-IN at Red House Wool Studio!

A most beautiful day with cooler temps this morning brought eight lovely ladies to the studio for our monthly Hook-in or stitch-in!  We all shared our works of hand,  ideas and helpful hints!  There's always a wealth of info. and everyone  is so willing to share their knowledge and talents!  Well ......except for her recipe for zucchini salsa LOL!   Rhonda  ( in above photo)  whom you met a post or so back is carefully guarding her family recipe and for good reason... she sells the salsa to friends and relatives!  Now if everyone had the recipe I imagine sales would drop off quite a bit!  I think it's wonderful when someone is so enterprising and can make a few bucks from a family recipe!  I think she should sell the recipe!  But I do imagine mine wouldn't turn out like hers anyway!  LOL!!

Our dear beloved Betsy is back after some heartbreaking things that have happened to her.  Betsy's husband passed away suddenly a month ago.  We are so thankful she has decided to not let her sadness overcome and is keeping busy with making changes and of course keeping her hooking and stitching a focus. Here she shows off two cute pincushions she created ( can't remember the designer)  but aren't they adorable! 

Betsy loves to make these wonderful large pillows and they are awesome let me tell you!  You just want to hug them and cozy up with one on the couch or bed! I especially love the sheep! 

So as tender hearts are broken, they can slowly mend. Just looking at this playful bunny rug Betsy hooked makes you smile! The colors are so soft and playful!  It's always a treat to see what she brings along for show and tell!  

Shirley and Saundra are busy getting something accomplished!  

Holly completes another block of this wonderful quilt! 

Lisa is working on a great patriotic rug with an Uncle Sam! Can't wait to see this one with the unusual background wool she's using!  It's getting close to that 4th of July holiday... will she get it done by then?  Remember she's a hooking maniac!! 

The girls wanted to have me in a couple of photos as I am usually taking the photos!  So Saundra grabbed my phone and took a couple of yours truly watching the girls hook!

Watching and helping is usually what I get done and what I enjoy the most!  There's just too much excitement and color planning going on for me to sit and hook on my own rugs!  I will share some projects I am working on soon... promise!

Our other Betsy is hooking on something... hmmm... it looks patriotic!!  What ARE you hooking on Betsy B.??? 

Oh MY star spangled... FISH!!   A whale I presume?  He is great so far!!  And wait until you see the great background wool she chose for this spiffy guy!!  You will love it! But will have to wait til next time so see it!

Saundra and Cindy prepare our lunch from the variety of dishes everyone brings to share! 

These mozzeralla balls with baby cukes were delightful!  Cindy always makes the best fresh goodies!  So appreciated when one doesn't eat the gluten anymore!

 Will you look at this yummy spread!  And look at the second bowl next to the tortilla's.... YES... that is Rhonda's SECRET zucchini salsa!  Be sure and put me on your list of buyers when you start to make your next batch for sale Rhonda!!  I just have to have more... and am thinking wouldn't it make a great gift! 

Thanks for looking in on us this month!!
Cathy G


  1. What a wonderful group of ladies and I love the little critters on the lids, cute idea. And a wonderful feast from all of the ladies.


  2. It's always a pleasure to read your blog Cathy. Everyone always have such a great time at your hook-ins. Cute pin cushions. Betty Being with a joyful group of women is great therapy for tender heart in need of healing. My sympathy to betty on loosing her husband.

    Smiles & hugs

  3. Wish I lived closer so I could attend. It looks like great fun.

  4. I so enjoy your dialogue and pics. They are inspirational. Betsy your pillows are lovely. You are brave

  5. This looks like a great food fun group--wish I lived closer. Go Betsy--she has found such a positive way to work through her grief. All the projects look great--such a talented group.

  6. OMG, wish I was filling my plate with food from your place, it all looks delicious. Cannot wait to see more of Lisa's rug I designed for her.

  7. Cathy-I live all the way in FL. I'd like to learn how to hook, how would you advise?

  8. What fun! I'm really going to try to come but have to see what month works. Want to make sure Lisa can be there when I do come. Always love seeing what you girls are working on and so nice to see you in one of the pics, Cathy! Lori

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  10. A most beautiful day with cooler temps this morning brought eight lovely ladies to the studio for our monthly Hook-in or stitch-in! We all shared ...

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