Thursday, May 11, 2017

Second Tuesday Hook-in At Red House Wool Studio

Cindy brought this cute pin cushion she made!  
Isn't it adorable! 

After having to cancel our last month's Hook-in here at Red House Wool Studio it was sure great to have a nice group here again this month!  The projects are awesome as you will see in the photos!
Nancy ( above) finished this adorable bunny pillow in wool appliqué!  I was super busy and neglected to get the name of the designer. 

We have some seriously talented stitchers in our group and Holly is one of them! I am totally in love with this  Christmas stitchery.  Again I didn't get the name of the designer.  I will try and update the blog later but if anyone knows please leave a comment! 

Kathy is working on her own design in this wonderful hooked rug! A rainbow will grace the sky and I can't wait to see as she gets  more hooked! Way to go Kathy!  She is new to hooking and already a designer!  LOVE that! 

Cindy has a Polly Minnick design all enlarged and ready to transfer onto linen!  This is going to be one big and beautiful rug!!  Love love love it!! 

Shirley is making good progress on her colorful rooster rug! 

Our snowbird Betsy has returned from her winter home in the south!  And she has brought with her a work of many colors and techniques to show! 

Quilling, proddy, beading, as well as use of ribbons and fun fabrics will all come together in this rug! Fun fun fun!  She is inspiring us all!

Cindy has finished this adorable sheep rug and I believe she told me the pattern was from the back of a rug hooking publication.... again... I wasn't writing things down and cannot remember what book she said.... it gets pretty crazy around here on hooking day!

She is going to add these GIGANTIC vintage buttons for wheels on the cart!  How adorable is that!

Nancy brought this FABULOUS stitchery!  It is just gorgeous! 

A close up of her exquisite stitching!

Lisa is starting another wonderful primitive rug!  You guessed it... no clue who the designer is! LOL!

Well this rug I DO know who designed it because I did! LOL!  Yes Saundra is hooking my smiling white Jack-O-Lantern design!  Her hooking is wonderful and Saundra is looking fabulous!  She had a heart attack last fall and has recovered after having heart surgery! We are so glad to have her with us and are reminded of how precious life and our friends are to us! 

Celeste is almost done with this fun and whimsical runner!  I think I recall that it's a Threads That Bind design!  It is going to hang in her mother's room at the nursing home!  It will brighten the days for her Mom and the room for sure Celeste!

The first Mother's Day without my mom will be this Sunday.  This photo was taken of her on Mother's Day in 2010.  She was so pretty that day holding a bouquet of lilacs we picked from our tree in the front yard. She'd had heart surgery just a few months before this picture was taken.
Wishing you all a Blessed and Happy Mother's Day this Sunday!
Cathy G


  1. What a talented group of ladies, love seeing all the pieces they are working on.


  2. I'm not sure but the cross stitch looks like it might be Stacy Nash's Christmas at Hollyberry Farm. The rugs and stitcheries are beautiful.

  3. The above comment from Denise is correct. I am also stitching Stacy's Christmas at Hollyberry Farm.

  4. My first thought was that it looked like a Stacy Nash design even though I'd not seen it before :)
    So many wonderful projects! Love them all. Lisa's rug is an antique adaptation though I know there are some sellers who offer the pattern.
    Hugs to you this Mother's Day. I miss my mom, too.

  5. What a talented group of ladies. Everyone has something beautiful to work on. I love those cross stitch pieces. I used to do cross stitch now my spare time is spent on the computer and nothing to show for at the end of the day.

    I'm thinking of you today as it gets close to Mother's Day. I miss my mom too. Nothing is the same anymore since she left us. She was the hub of the family and we all gathered at her place. Now the house has been sold and we no longer meet there.

  6. Adorable pincushion and I started one a few years ago and never finished it. There is a great booklet on how to make them. Love what everyone is working on. Lisa's is an antique adaptation and believe I drew that one out for her. Just wait until you see the Patriotic Rider I designed for her.

  7. Such fun to see all of the talent in one place. I love how many different kinds of handwork is going on there at your studio. I hope the day isn't too sad for you Cathy. Its so nice to see an update. Thank you.

  8. Hi Cathy - I am also remiss in visiting blogs - not sure what I have been doing instead. lol Wow - you have a great group of creative ladies. The variety of mediums and projects is very interesting - and inspiring to try something new. I miss not having some in my studio, but at least I have my group I join on the 1st and 3rd Monday each month.

  9. Such a room full of talent, great conversations and of course the food.
    So lucky to have your group for my summer hooking. High point of my up north months. Thank you for being so very welcoming.

  10. All the projects were beautiful!

    Your Mom was a lovely lady!

  11. Thanks for sharing such a nice post and nice collection of rugs.
    Wholesale Modern Rugs

  12. wow that is just awful what your sister and her family went through so sorry!



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