Monday, April 10, 2017

Our April Hook-In Cancelled!

I'm sorry to announce our second Tuesday of the month  Hook-in has been cancelled for this month.  It seems it is a busy week for almost all who usually attend.

Some travel quite a distance to come each month and we've gotten a little ice and snow mix here on the roads tonight.  It's possible the roads will be a little slick in the morning as well.

I'm hoping we all can meet again next month so mark your calendars!

I've been very bad at keeping up with my blog too!  I apologize to all my readers who look forward  to my posts!  

Dyeing wool, cleaning and sorting,  still going through my mother's things and I guess you could say still in kind of a mourning situation has kept me preoccupied.
I've been a little better....on occasion I even forget that she isn't just down the street, waiting for me to come take her grocery shopping or to an appointment.
Sigh.... keeping busy is the best remedy I've found.

I  know I'm  not alone  in this sorrowful land of losing a loved one.
So many dear friends have lost someone this past year.

Please keep us in your prayers.

Stitching soothes the soul. Calms the mind and brings peace to the heart.
I finished this little table runner recently.
Still trying to perfect the flystitch... it's a fun stitch when you get the hang of it! 
Pattern and kit by Primitive Gatherings.

The little bird pin-cushion is one I made a few years ago.
Seeing the real birds arriving and setting up "housekeeping" in the trees brings a smile!
 It's a sure sign a new season is beginning.
Sunnier days, warmer and longer will be here.
New projects as well as a few changes on the home front are in store.
I will be sharing some of this soon!

Thank you for stopping by dear friends!
I will be back soon!

Cathy G


  1. Your little bird pin cushion is so adorable. I watched yesterday as the Robins were "getting busy" (wink)...and today, snow....

  2. Dear Cathy, I so can relate to your feeling of loss. I'm still mourning my daughter Nicole and it always brings tears in my eyes just to think that I'll never see her or hug her again. It still painful so I'm sending you some warm hugs from my heart to yours.

    Your header is so beautiful and inviting and so is your table runner and little bird pin cushion.

    I'm still on watch to see my first Robin to make a wish. The snow is going fast and we see big patches of brown grass everywhere but still some snow in the shade. Sorry about the cancellation of your April Hook-in.

    I wish you a Happy Easter.
    Hugs from the heart,

  3. Yes, it takes a lot of time to heal from our grief and ease into accepting the joy they've given us and carry on with life. It's good that you have friends and your craft to soften the pain. It will get easier.

  4. Love your header, the wool is to drool over. Happy Easter.

  5. Love your runner and bird, beautiful pieces.
    Just take it a day at a time, my thoughts are with you.


  6. I will keep you in you my prayers. Grief is a hard thing because I always feel like it just sneaks up and lays you out when you least expect it.
    I love your new wool runner. So bright and pretty.
    Thank you for sharing Cathy.

  7. Thinking of you. Losing a mom is so very hard.
    Hugs :)

  8. Wahoo, I'll be back for the May second Tuesday! Wow did the season fly.

  9. Love your table runner and the Little bird.

  10. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!



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