Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Happy Stitchers and Hookers at today's Hook-in!

Oh what a time we had today at our second Tuesday of the month hook-in here at Red House Wool Studio!  Please meet Holly ( love her name and the color of her hair!) She is a newcomer here at the studio!  She is a long time quilter and has found her way recently to wool applique and cannot get enough!  Holly fits right in with all of us as we all like antiques and can't you tell by her projects she loves the primitive colors and designs!  I know you'll love it here Holly!  So glad you found us!

Did you think this was a plate of Christmas Cookies!  Well... look closely!  They are adorable wool pins made by Cindy and Shirley from wool strips or worms as we so affectionately call them!  They made one for each person who came today!  Thank you ladies!  What a treat!  We were all feeling so Christmasy and loved wearing our darling pins!!

Celeste is always working on something fantastic!  Look at her newest project!  A wool applique by Wooden Spool Designs!  She's made great progress! And the *Be Warm* block was so appropriate for today as the temperature was well below zero when some of these gals drove a couple of hours to get here this morning!  Brave Wisconsinites! We don't fear a little cold weather when there's wool and good friends awaiting!

Lisa is working on a design by Lori Brechlin of NotforgottenFarm called Glad Tidings!  She's using wools and colors out of her comfort zone.... and loving it!!  We talk about that quite a lot here in the studio!  Yes... we all have our dislikes and likes when it comes to color... and maybe design styles!  But Lisa says she is having so much fun with this rug and is happy she took the leap to try something different!  

Lisa is partial to horse rugs... and has done a fabulous job on this one by American Country Rugs!

Well would you look at this!  All the hooking and trying new things has led Lisa to try her hand at designing!  This is her new design and I think it's totally awesome!  I am trying to talk her into making it into some kits for the studio!  What do you think?  She can do that in her spare time between her full time truck driving job, raising her family and taking care of her horses!  We'll see... but she will "get er done"  if she sets her mind to it!   BELIEVE me! 

Talk about believing... Cindy has stitched this sweet little Santa pin cushion using a pattern by Buttermilk Basin!  I believe in Santa how 'bout you?  Especially when he shows up on a sweet pin cushion!  Santa baby... I could use one of these under the tree!  Just sayin'!!  

Sipping candy cane flavored coffee, stitching, hooking and planning our next projects!  

Everyone was eyeing up this cute little thread basket that Holly had in her sewing basket!  How handy would this be!  She explained a friend made it and used to sell them them at craft shows.  

Welcome another newby wool appliquer to our group today!  Meet Eva! I've known Eva for a few years and have been trying to get her to join our happy, growing group here on the second Tuesday!  Well today she finally was able to make it!  She's had knee replacement surgery not  too long ago.  She does a lot of quilting and boy you should see her quilts!! Maybe she'll bring one to show next time she joins us!  So welcome Eva!  I hope you enjoyed today as much as I did!  After a little lunch...

Everyone headed back out into the cold cold weather!  Some had a little  shopping to do  before they headed home but I'm sure they still felt the warmth that was shared here today!   Good friends, good food and wooly projects had us all in good spirits!  
A Merry Christmas to All!

Cathy G

( For a short video of todays hook-in event head over to FaceBook!) Click on the link in my side bar! 


  1. Lots of beautiful rugs and woolly pieces and I love the little trees, that is a clever idea.


  2. what a wonderful talented group.
    Cold weather is heading this way.

  3. how i wish i lived close by.looks like fun was had by all! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. What a fabulous gathering of talented ladies! Looks like such fun! Hard to pick a favorite among all those wonderful wool goodies!
    Send me some cold...please!

  5. What a great way to spend a Tuesday with such a talented group of women. It really warms the heart as well as the house. I can almost hear the laughter and chatter that's going on while they work away at their craft. Nice lunch.
    Cute little tree pins and that bigger tree is also lovely. Such creative ideas.

    Wrap yourself in some woollen project to keep warm.

  6. What a great group of talented ladies !
    So much inspiration. Looks like a wonderful time was had on a crispy cold morning.

  7. What a fun group. So many wonderful projects. Thanks for sharing.
    Merry, merry :)

  8. Hi Cathy,
    Such a fun group and all so talented, too!!! You can just feel the warmth as you look at each smiling face!! Makes me wish there was a transporter button on my computer screen so I could just "beam" myself there!!!
    Take care and enjoy your week, Cathy!
    Christmas Hugs~

  9. what a nice group of girls! and such talented hands!!! I am wondering though, about Holly's Santa necklace ~ can you share any details?? he's FAB!.....So wish I were closer but thank you for the cyber-visit :)

  10. I love that folky bird by Lisa. YES I hope she does release a pattern. I would be very interested. And that santa necklace....any info??? Love it!! Merry Christmas Cathy!


  11. Everything is just wonderful!
    Loved all the projects!
    Loved her basket too, I can see lots of possibilities now with that!
    Amazing new friends you've found!
    Merry Christmas! Smile!

  12. I really like your new decorative designs! it's beautiful so much and good idea on site.


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