Friday, October 14, 2016

Stairway To Wool Heaven!

Whew!  The title of my post may be a bit misleading today... but as the story unfolds, you may get the gist!  
First though may I THANK all my dear readers and friends for your wonderful comments, emails and cards!  Your prayers, love and condolences have meant so much!  They have helped these past few days as my mind is slowly processing all that has transpired since losing my mom in August!  I am trying to regain some sense of normalcy but as the days go it has been anything but! 
Lots of changes still going on here, including one involving the stairwell to "heaven" LOL!!
Actually it is a stairwell to a dungeon!  Yep... our basement!  Yikes! Moving things from my mom's house to ours, it has become a dumping ground of sorts. And we had plenty of our own crap stored down there to begin with!
To make a long story short... I've wanted to open up that cramped and narrow doorway leading down to the basement ever since we bought this place more than a decade ago! I am happy to announce that   process has begun and is nearly finished as I type!
But before I reveal the "after" photos, let me share the wooly projects going on out in the studio... the "wool heaven" if you will!

At this month's second Tuesday Hook-in here, Shirley has finished her gorgeous rendition Harvest Moon, a Heart to Hand design. On my list of patterns to do!

Celeste has finished her wool appliqué of a Buttermilk Basin design! "Autumn" with punkin and acorn!  Beautiful wools and stitching!

Cindy  has a good jump on the Chrismas season with her fun little stitched piece using a Little Bits pattern by Joan. Love that background wool!

Cindy goes right to hooking on her pumpkin rug... I didn't catch the designer but look at those awesome Halloween colors she's using!

Shirley is working on a Little Bits by Joan pattern too... hers is the Gingerbread men! Can't wait to see it done!

When the girls all meet here for our monthly hook-in, some bring projects other than wool applique and rug hooking!  Celeste is working on knitting some socks for hubby! You should see her knitting!  I will try and get a pic of her finished socks next time.... they are wonderful!

Betsy shows off her Chicken rug... again I am bad at getting the designer! But didn't it turn out fabulous!  

Saundra and Lorena are hard at work on their rugs and are already planning their next projects!

Saundra's working on a little design by me... a little owl mat called "Black Tie Affair"! It will be so darn cute when finished!  

Lisa is working on a larger rug with a dove by The Sampler. It is going to be one gorgeous rug!

So as the wool flies in the studio.... the sawdust was flying on my stairwell!
Demolition begins... but my wonderful carpenters built a makeshift wall to surround and it did keep the dust to a minimum! 

I've had this antique post that came out of an old barn in storage forever!   Several times people have asked if I would sell it!   Came close a couple of times but always held back, hoping that someday I'd have the perfect spot for it!

I just love it.... in all it's crustiness and there's even a couple of old rusty nails embedded in it!  What do you think?  Was it worth hanging on to? 

A new white railing...

And my stairway to the dungeon is almost complete!  Next week the wall treatment will go on and I have to shop for some new carpet for the steps!  So I'm off to open the boxes of a new wool shipment and dream of that stairway to WOOL heaven!!
Cathy G


  1. Love the post! Perfect place for it...I have a very similar one in my kitchen where we tore out a wall!

  2. What a wonderful improvement! So glad you didn't sell that awesome old post, it's perfect there!

  3. wow! what a transformation! love that post ~ so happy you kept it, it's perfect! wonderful pics of the girls & their projects :)

  4. Beautiful header photo! Too bad fall leads to winter.
    Great projects being worked on.
    Your post is wonderful and I'm sure you are ecstatic you held on to it all these years. What a difference a wall makes.
    Hugs :)

  5. I'm so glad you're getting back to some normalcy and your home keeps getting more and more beautiful. That post will be a conversation piece for sure, I love it. It's a pretty fancy post for a barn post I think.

    You are so fortunate to have all these lovely ladies in your life to keep you busy.

    I'm not on blogger much anymore. Life has been so very busy here on the farm.
    Stay well & Happy October.

  6. You have a lot going on for sure but love your new stairway. It looks like lots of creativity going on for sure.

  7. I'm anxious to see it. I bet it really opens up your living room area!

  8. I'm anxious to see it. I bet it really opens up your living room area!

  9. Lots of wonderful projects, the girls have been busy. Love how you did the stairway and the post is perfect, gives it lots of character and opens up the room.


  10. The new stairway looks great and that post is awesome! Glad you kept it!

  11. What a great change ! The post is perfect in its new home.
    Lots of creativity going on.

  12. Wow! That stairway is awesome! LOVE that old post... definitely worth keeping! So many beautiful woolly projects in progress with your group! Happy Fall! :-)

  13. What a fantastic day with friends to help you gain your normalcy again. I'm a new follower and just added you to my blogroll. Stop by and visit. Val from

  14. How nice!! I am so glad you kept that post. That is just fantastic.
    It will look so nice. Your Tuesdays are so inspirational. What a fun and talented group of girls. I am so glad you are posting again.
    I really do enjoy reading about what is going on.


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