Thursday, August 11, 2016

When Morphine and iPhone Are Your Best Friends

Hello dear friends and readers.  Since my last post there have been so many changes here in my life and of course for my dear Mom whose life on this earth we expect is only days now and perhaps less.  It seems an eternity since I held her arm and we walked into the ER on July 9th.  The kind Dr. on call that evening was so on target when he said, "Your mother is in the final stages of congestive heart failure."  He added emphatically, "Your job will be to keep her comfortable... " Yes, indeed. It seems every waking moment in my life and countless other people has been to see to it that she is not in pain and as comfortable as one could possibly be as the fluids build up in her body and the heart is struggling to keep the life blood flowing. It has been heart wrenching to watch to say the least.
There have been many bright spots though these past few weeks. The most significant one being the joining together of my siblings, two brothers and two sisters, making the choice to keep and care for mom at home. We've all set aside past grievances and hard feelings to take on this enormous task. 
So very proud of them all... as I watch them transfer her from wheelchair to commode. Leave the next day to their jobs after a sleepless night with a restless mom who is awake all night and decides to get out of bed on her own.  My niece, Alicia, who has been here several days and nights and leaves to take care of a family of three children. 
Hospice. Well, I cannot say enough for our program here with it's countless volunteers, nurses, and a Dr. who made a house call here day before yesterday.
Our every need is met from wheelchair, to hospital bed and medications delivered right to our door. 
Even with all the endless help, for which I'll be forever grateful, I feel like I've been floating in a bubble of pill bottles, phone calls, decisions upon decisions and now recently the bottle of morphine which has become our best friend as it's the only thing that is helping our dear mom with her struggle. I've had to overcome preconcieved notions that this drug is meant to hasten death when in reality death is hastening all on its own. The drug comforts. The Dr. who made the housecall recently said to us, "Morphine will be your best friend." 
Oh, and one more thing... I mentioned the iPhone in my blogpost's title as a best friend too. A couple of days ago I upgraded my iPhone 5s to a brand new iPhone 6s. I now enjoy the hotspot which enables my laptop to work anywhere through my phone. Still learning all the 6s has to offer. During these past few weeks with sibings, doctors, nurses, relatives, hospice people and just Dave and I  trying to coordinate our lives around being full time caregivers, I managed to go over my alloted texting and talking time on my old iPhone.  To the tune of $300.00 or so!! Yikes!  That was a lot of texting and talking!  But our entire family has stayed well connected and organized beyond belief. 
Can't imagine this happening in the days before texting!


Well... I started writing this post a couple of hours ago. 
How fast things change.  Mom is suddenly showing signs that she will be leaving us very soon. 
Not sure how to end this... but asking for your prayers for a peaceful and painless transition for our beautiful mom.  A place of untold beauty and joy certainly awaits her precious soul.
No more suffering, sickness and pain.

Cathy G


  1. Prayers for your mom, you and your family. So wonderful that you and your siblings had the honor of taking care of her. She'll be in God's loving arms soon...God Bless...

  2. May God shine his light on your Mom as she leaves this earth. You, her and all your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. So glad that you have had your siblings there with you to help with any task that is needed. Big hugs and blessings, my heart goes out to you at this difficult time.

  3. I am sorry for your pain. God speed for a easy end.

  4. Prayers for your mom and for you and the family. It is wonderful that she can be at home until her final journey to her home in heaven. That is a hefty bill? I have an iPhone and get text and calls for one price and you can add how much online amount you want, we use ours a lot when we are out of the house, so I have less for calls and text and more for bandwidth online.


  5. I have been thinking about you so much the past few weeks. I will be praying for your mother and family during this time.

  6. I know exactly what you are going through. I took FMLA 2 years ago to take take of my mom when she was dying. If not for my younger brother and one niece who is a nurse i could have never done it.Prayers and Peace to you and your family.

  7. Cathy, I lost my mother in much the same way. I cherish the thought that during her last two years she knew she was well taken care of and deeply loved by my sister and me. I miss her to this very day, but rather than the tears now, I am filled with her loving memory. I am praying for all of you and know that the Lord will call her home when she's ready.

  8. Praying that your Mom will have a pain free passing. It must have been so hard for you to know that she is coming to the end of her life and all that can be done is to keep her as comfortable as possible. You have been such a good and caring daughter and I'm sure she has appreciated it. Good that your family has been supportive.

  9. I remember this with both my parents - hugs, prayers for peace at this difficult time. Yes, we all are just one breath away from the real to eternal world. A transition only one who has experienced it can truly relate. Loss you feel so deep in a time of joy for her as she passes on to her eternal reward. Blessings from Ringle, WI.

  10. Prayers for all of you, Cathy. I'm so glad to hear your family has united to care for your mom. I pray God will call your mom softly, gently to the other side very soon. Take care of yourself my friend. Big hugs, Lori

  11. God bless your mother, your family and you, dear Cathy. Thinking of you with hopes of peace for your heartache.

  12. Oh Cathy, my heart feels heavy for you as it all brings back memories of mom's last days with us as she laid there till her last breath, in her hospital bed with her whole family of 17 kids, spouses and and big grandkids at her side. She was at peace and I think what a grand thing that your siblings have made their peace with each other. This must have been your mom's fondest wish before she leaves for heaven.

    You can feel grateful to have been blessed with such a sweet loving mom.
    I'll keep you all in my prayers. Warm hugs & love.

  13. I am praying now for you and your family. I am so thankful you are not doing this by yourself. I pray as your Mom changes her address, that all of you shall be comforted that there will be no more tears and no more pain where she is going. Praying now my dear Cathy. God bless.

  14. Lifting you, your mother and your family in prayers. May you all feel God's strong loving arms around you.
    Blessings, Patti

  15. Hi Cathy,
    May God surround all of you with His Loving Presence, and may you feel His Peace, Hope, Courage, and Strength!
    Sending Hugs and Prayer, my friend~

  16. I'm thinking of you and your family today. we went through this, too. Hospice was a great help.

  17. Cathy I can only add my heartfelt wish for a peaceful passing for your mother, hugs

  18. I am so very sorry for the issues you and your family are working through. I have been there too. Fortunately you have other family members who have come together to share the endless tasks and the very stressful decision-making. You and your mother are in my warmest thoughts. ...jan

  19. Oh my dear it hurts my heart to read this. I know there is little I can say or write that will in any way diminish your pain, but know that you, your sweet mother, and the rest of your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray the passing is peaceful and gentle, and that you find comfort and healing in her memory... HUGE {{{HUGS}}} ~ Robin

  20. Thoughts and prayers for you your family and your mom it's exactly how my grandmother went hugs

  21. Prayers for you and your family your moms last gift is to reunite your family. Keeping you in my prayers.


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