Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Smash Hit Garden Junk Sale and another "smash hit"

Our Garden Junk Sale went off without a hitch!  The crowds came, bought and compl
imented us on the great displays and merchandise!  What more could we ask?  Now the plan is to have another Pop-Up sale in the Fall at a soon to be disclosed location!  
The added bonus of having our sale here this last week was that our garage FINALLY is cleaned and organized!  We painted a wall black and I free-hand painted some lovely birch trees in one corner!  
Here are some random photos of the sale.... and if you reach the end of this post you'll find out the other "smash hit" I took this week....

Here is a photo from yesterday I took of my two fur babies Smokey and Max with Lizzy our beloved groomer and dear friend.  She has been a god send in our lives and makes the grooming so much more pleasant for the boys and I!  We have been going to her for the last 3 years or so and of course I showed you Lizzy's house in an earlier post of her Halloween decor.  Well we got some bad news this week from Liz that she is going to retire  from grooming at the end of the year..... I am devasted  at the news but totally understand her reasons. She is taking care of elderly parents as I am.  Life gets so complicated and sometimes we have to weigh the priorities.  We love her and want the best for her. My doggies are going to be 14 years old this Fall and grooming is very hard on them.  We are treated special when we go to Liz' and I am able to stay and visit when she grooms them.  She only takes one client at a time and that works so well for us.
So time will tell what we will do... but we get two more groomings before she hangs it up.
A "smash hit" of the negative kind for sure.... and as long as I'm talking about the not so fun things I thought I'd mention I get to have a tooth pulled tomorrow!  What a perfect way to end the month of June!  NOT! 
But it has to be done.... and just maybe while I'm recuperating I can actually pick up my rug hook and finish a rug for a client that I started a few weeks ago! 
Looking forward to July!

Cathy G


  1. Enjoyed seeing all your garden treasures for sale. Your birch tree's are stunning. You can come work that magic in my garage any time. Good luck with your tooth.

  2. WOW! You have some of the best garden 'junk' ever!
    Your wall with the birch trees is perfection.
    It's so nice to see a picture of the boys. They haven't been on your blog for a while. So sorry to hear about the good groomer retiring. I hope you can find another that suits you and the boys.

  3. I so want that screen door! My husband could make a cupboard to fit it. In fact I see lots of things I want. So sorry about your groomer retiring but maybe you will have to do it

  4. What a great sale, saw some junk I'd like to have so maybe it's a good thing I live too far away. Is this the same tooth you were waiting so long to have a root canal on? Hope it's not too painful----just drink some wine. Sorry about your groomer, hope that you will be able to find one that you like as well.

  5. Your sale looked AMAZING.
    So sorry about the groomer retiring (but like you said totally understandable) and your tooth. It's always something. Growing old is not for sissies.
    Such sweet boys...
    Hugs and Happy 4th :)

  6. Wow ! This is the kind of sale I'ld like to go to ! Glad it was a success. It's always sad to lose someone who is wonderful with our furry friends. Hope you find a wonderful replacement.

  7. Cathy,
    Seeing your garage sale almost made me wish I still lived up north. No one here has garage sales like yours. So many things that would definitely fit in my little cottage. Major bummer about your groomer. Roxy has been to the groomer once so far. That is too soon to see if she is the best one for her.

    take care,

  8. Thought you might be able to give me some advice. My hooked wool rug has a strand of yarn that has been pulled out several inches. I know there are hooking tools available, and I think I can fix it, but I don't know which tool to buy to do the job. It is a factory made rug. The backing looks like coarse burlap. It wasn't my cat. It was my grandkitty who did the dirty deed.

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