Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Old Photos & Mother's Day

While going through some of Mom's old photographs.... she has boxes of them.... sigh...
I came across a couple of old black and white snapshots that I think really capture the essense of Mother's Day for me.  Of course my Grandma and Great Grandma are no longer living. 

In December of 1953, my Great Grandmother looks a little skeptical, perhaps because I was my Mom's firstborn!  She was probably thinking that Mom was going to have her hands full before too long! LOL! 
I loved my Grandmas dearly!

Here is a photo I cherish of my Mother when she was very young. I will have to ask her how old she is here because I'm not sure.  For a time, they lived in the log house you see behind her.  Can  you spot that little wooden rocking chair in the photo?   It was made by a neighbor for Mom.  She still has that little chair.  My mom is 85 now.  Can't believe that chair has survived 5 kids and countless grandkids!
Mom is doing fairly well these days... dealing with congestive heart failure.  We take each day as it comes.  She tried to go down and pull some weeds out of the peonies the other day and got so out of breath and heart pumping so fast she had to lay down when she came in the house.  She loves her flowers and yard work. Sadly she just isn't going to be able to do much of that anymore.
We are trying to get her unsafe deck replaced this spring so she can container garden a little easier and safely as the deck has seen better days. 
She deserves it so much... but the carpenters who came by to do the work last fall still haven't returned to start the work.  Frustrating, but I hear this story more often than not from others who are wating to get work done.

And another old photo that just makes me laugh.  Mom and I and our dog Zippy. I remember Zippy as if it were yesterday!  I think he must have been one good little Boston Terrier to have put up with that head strong little Cathy!
Hoping you all have a beautiful Mother's day this Sunday... and remember... even though you may not BE a mother, we all have a mother to celebrate!  
Cathy G


  1. Cathy, did those old photos bring back memories, except mine are 10 years older. I don't think those house dresses went out of style until the 60's. My Grandma and my Great Great Aunt wore them until their death in the 1980's. You have a wonderful Mother's Day, hope you get a break from cooking.

  2. Those photos are such treasures and such wonderful memories.
    I would demand my money back if you paid in advance and hire someone else.


  3. Cathy this is such a sweet post!!!
    ~~Happy Mothers Day~~

  4. Wonderful touching pictures.

  5. Wonderful touching pictures.

  6. Wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing. How cool that the rocking chair has survived. I hope some day you will inherit it.
    You are very lucky to still have your mom. Cherish each moment.
    Hugs :)

  7. I loved seeing those pictures. What a wonderful heritage you have. I think it is so neat your Mom still has that rocking chair. I love that log cabin and seeing you and your Mom and your grandmother and your great grandmother. So sweet.

  8. Oh Cathy, those photos are wonderful! I hope you and your Mom have a lovely Mothers Day.

  9. Four beautiful generations. My 88 year old Mother also has congestive heart failure--she gets so frustrated not being able to do what she use to do.

  10. Great blog with a nice story. Nice that the chair is still around; I'd say it is a keeper.

  11. those photos are so sweet! Love your mass of dark hair as a baby! And yes, your poor mother deserves a new deck, I'd fire that carpenter crew even if they weren't aware of being fired! Hopefully some handy folks can get together and build that new deck so your mother can enjoy some simple pleasures.

  12. A lovely mother's day post, Cathy. Thank you for sharing with us all. ...jan

  13. Lucky you with those great pictures! I am caught up on your posts love your new glasses. I am not much of a stitcher but I do have a sewing basket for those few times I do a penny rug.

  14. These are wonderful photos.....great memories!

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