Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Featured Artists at the Red Barn Theatre!

One of the things I am most proud of here in our little town of Rice Lake, Wisconsin, is the Red  Barn Theatre!   It is a most loved and favorite summertime activity of locals and tourists alike!  An old dairy barn was renovated back in the late 60's and serves as the theatre to a lively and talented group of thespians who entertain throughout the summer (as the barn has no heat... or air conditioning).
The former haymow of the old barn serves as the theatre. The lower level is the art gallery and popcorn and coke bar where guests go during intermission for refreshments and to view the artwork of featured local artists.  And I am very proud to announce that my hubby Dave and I are the featured artists for the opening play which starts tomorrow evening!

Dave, as many of you know is a super talented outdoor and wildlife photographer!  He has never displayed his work before so the last few weeks we've been busy framing and organizing some of his best work.  We used mostly old barn board for frames as it fits in nicely with the rustic aspect of the old barn.
My rugs, displayed as art, add the softness and textural feeling to the display.

I had to show you the steps coming down in the former silo!  You can still see the round shape of the cement wall where the silo once was.

The set for this play entitled "The Spitfire Grill" ( a musical)  was designed and painted by our friend and artist Nancy Dutmer.  Nancy sings and acts in many of the plays at the barn, too. Dave and I have complimentary tickets to see the play Saturday night!  I can hardly wait!  It's our anniversary this weekend too!  What better way to spend it than at the Red Barn on a nice summer evening! 

More shots inside the old barn...

Dave and Don Ruedy (left) standing in the silo stairwell!  Don is a fabulous artist and often displays his artwork here in the gallery.  He is the art director for the Barn and was an art teacher at the local college campus here for many years.  I actually had him for a teacher back in the day when I attended college. 

A shot of the dressing rooms for the players!  

Lots of work goes into the upkeep of the barn and the grounds. 

So wish us luck for our first show here at the Red Barn Theatre!  

Thank you for all the nice comments on my last post and the debut of my newest rug and pattern~
Tree Birds is part of the display at the Barn... 
I will answer your questions about the wools I used in the next post!  Thank you to all who ordered the pattern!  I think you'll enjoy hooking it!  
Talk to you soon!
Cathy G


  1. Wow , how exciting. Everything looks amazing.

  2. Wow , how exciting. Everything looks amazing.

  3. OMG!!!
    Congratulations to both of you! What a lovely exhibit, perfectly presented.
    And such a great historic venue.
    Excellent work!

  4. WOW-------your famous! Dave photos are beautiful and so are the frames. How about framing some of your rugs with those frames-----especially Tree Birds. Happy Anniversary.

  5. Kathy, I am so proud of you both; your talents are amazing and I'm just tickled for both of you. Great partners in everything!

  6. WOW!! Everything looks beautiful!! Dave's photography is beautiful and with your hooked rugs it is outstanding!! Such a nice barn with history! Love the rounded stairwell...have fun on Saturday and Happy Anniversary! Love your new rug design

  7. Congrats to you and hubby ~ 2 very talented people! The barn is so cool. A lot or hard work and love has obviously gone in to it.
    Happy anniversary.
    Hugs :)

  8. What a wonderful place to display his photos and I do love how you mixed the rugs with the photos, makes a beautiful setting for both. I also love his use of frames and boards for his photos.
    Happy Anniversary!


  9. Beautiful displays of your works. Congrat's to both of you.

  10. We all know the beautiful rugs that you create and we have seen a few glimpses of Dave's pictures on your blog. To see them all together is amazing. Congratulations on your art display and your Anniversary. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  11. Very enjoyable post; loved looking at every photo. Break a leg, as the saying goes.

  12. That is so cool! Your art looks amazing in that venue!

  13. I love each and everyone of the rugs you have on that wall. Looking at it is just stunning. What an incredible way to showcase your rugs. Just a beautiful exhibit. You have such a wonderful eye for color. I love it so much Cathy thank you so much for sharing.

  14. Hi Cathy,
    What a fantastic place to share your wonderful talents together!! Congratulations to you both......on being able to display your art, as well as for celebrating your special day!! So happy for you both!!! The barn is AMAZING and how wonderful to continue to preserve it and enjoy it with a whole new purpose!! Love all of your rugs too....especially the Bird and Clover that I am hopefully going to be hooking soon!!!
    Warmest Hugs~

  15. Congrats and best wishes!!! Perfect place to exhibit the talents of both of you!

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. How very exciting for both of you! When we lived in Maine there was a summer theater in a barn we always had season tickets it was so wonderful

  18. This is so very exciting ! Congratulations.
    How fun to have you AND hubby displaying together.

  19. What a great community you must live in to honor an old barn. An exhibition for you and Dave , how wonderful. I have long admired your work, but zooming in on Dave's shows an amazing eye as well. I can only imagine how many "snaps" it took to get the perfect picture. Amazing work for both of you.

  20. wow what a honor to have you and Dave show your "art" and it truly is hope you enjoyed the show. see you on the 14


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