Saturday, April 2, 2016

St. Joseph's 2016 Quilt Event Show Photos!

Another successful Quilt Event at the St. Joseph's School is behind us!!  OH My Gosh!  It was such a crazy ride these past few weeks getting ready for it this year!  I had just begun to dye wool and my mom ended up in the hospital twice! Then...  last week I came down with what I thought was a bad sinus infection so a trip to the Dr. for antibiotics and then after it didn't completely clear up a trip to the dentist showed I need a root canal on a lower tooth!  Feeling pretty lousy I carried on and with help from my good friends and hooking buddies we pulled this show off and it turned out quite 
I will let the photos speak for themselves!
I'm off to take a nice bubbly soak in the tub and put on my jammies!!!
Tomorrow will be putting the shop back together and possibly a little rearranging for Spring!!

Sold every last spec of that Black and White dotted wool!!  

My friend Barb the Felted Soap lady drove up again from Oconomowoc, WI  and stayed overnight at my Mom's. It's a good thing she did as we got a nasty little snow storm here overnight and the roads were horrific this morning! 

Lisa and Cindy my hooking buddies braved icy and snowy roads this morning and drove 1/2 and one hour to help me out!!  They demonstated and talked to interested people while I waited on customers!
Such a blessing these two.... and Sharon wanted to come also and help but.... can you believe.... she ended up in the hospital with a burst appendics! She is still in the hospital with complications so please keep her in your prayers!
We missed you Sharon.... get to feeling better soon!!!

Barb is going to kill me when she sees this photo!!  LOL!!  She was just beginning to eat the wonderful lunch they serve at the show and I came with the camera!!  But she is a good sport I think!!  Thank you Thank you dear friend!!  We have so much fun!!  
I think the smell of her lovely wool wrapped goats milk soap lured people right to our booth!!  
It smells good enough to eat!!

And the kids who put on the show as their fund raiser found their way to the hooking frames to give it a whirl!!  They were hooked after they pulled their first few loops and kept on hooking despite a group of boys who came by to see what had gotten their interest!  The boys left after asking their own questions and seeing the girls weren't going to stop hooking to give them attention...hmmmm... a sign of the future perhaps!!   LOL!!!
Well it was wonderful to see these young gals showing interest in an age old craft!!

Hope springs eternal that rug hooking will keep on growing here in northern WI!  
I aim to be a part of  it as long as I can!

Thanks to all who came out in the cold Spring snow storm today and supported our show!
The kids and I appreciate it very much!!

Cathy G


  1. It looks like a great show and wool heaven.


  2. Cathy your booth looked gorgeous. I just had two root canals your a brave woman to do thst and work. Looking forward to seeing you in May.
    Love your spring bunny pattern save me one!

  3. Cathy your booth looked gorgeous. I just had two root canals your a brave woman to do thst and work. Looking forward to seeing you in May.
    Love your spring bunny pattern save me one!

  4. Your booth is enough to make any hooker drool with pleasure.

  5. Wonderful post, Cathy! Your booth looks beautiful! Hope your friend Sharon is doing better very soon as well as you and your mom. You have such sweet friends that helped you. Hugs, Lori

  6. looks like so much fun! beautiful wol!!

  7. Oh, that gorgeous wool - looks like a lot of fun was had by everyone. Feel better.

  8. Cathy,
    Your booth is just beautiful!!! I love the way you have the orange wool displayed with the carrot tops. Very clever.
    Prayers for your friend that she makes a speedy recovery.
    Hugs :)

  9. It looks like a wonderful time. What a lovely booth you had. I like seeing all of this going on, my goodness, what a time you had just getting there though. Are you going to get anymore of that lovely black and white spotted wool in again? What wonderful chicken feathers. I am always looking for chicken feather wool. :) I hope this week is better and you feel all back you yourself.

  10. Hello Cathy. I truly enjoyed all your photos... Especially your black and white dotted wools.. I sent you a message on your Facebook messenger. Your shop is gorgeous... I would love to come and visit one day. Judy Grant

  11. Afternoon, oh Cathy your booth looks so great, fun time.Blessings Francine.

  12. Oh my, burst appendices are a real problem; my neighbor also had complications and took her a while to recover. She is doing well now so hope your friend recovers soon. Each time I see your flowers and tongues it reminds me that I have that pattern at an arms length to draw out any time. It would be such a great way for me to use up worms too. Oh well, one day.

  13. Fabulous booth!!! I'm kicking myself that I didn't get there to see it (and buy from it!) in person. Super photos! I just love the little button accent & tag on your wool pieces. A clever & oh-so-cute touch!

  14. What a wonderful event! Everything looks luscious .

  15. Cathy your booth is amazing! Looked like so much fun!!! Love all you wools Yummy! Enjoy Your Day! My Best, Kimberly


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