Sunday, February 21, 2016

99 Bolts of Wool on the Wall....

99 bolts of wool. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bolts of wool on the wall! 

Do I have you singing? 

It's kind of a tricky little ditty. LOL!

The past couple of days I've been trying to organize my wool for the studio.  Seems the bolts of wool were scattered around in various places throughout the house.... and oh my gosh... I didn't realize I had accumulated so MANY!  

That big shelf above the fireplace in our living room has always been a decorating nightmare for me.
It's so looooongggg!  And.... and... wait a minute.... just the perfect width for a bolt of wool!

And the idea hit me like a bolt of wool!!

Why not get all those bolts organized into one place!

It's so wonderful now!  I can prance right up... pick the one I need... and merrily carry it off to the studio to be cut and ready to dye!

And say nothing of how soothing it is to my OCD! Have you noticed how I love to have my wool all stacked and neatly put on shelves?

Works for me! Better than taking prozac! 


I want to share a beautiful finish of one of my designs by Karin Manuel!

My breath was taken away by the beautiful hooking and her great wool choices!   The rooster is delightful and seems to be crowing about Spring being right around the corner!

Could it be so?

Thank you Karin for sending the pic and your permission to share it with my readers!

The pattern is available in my Etsy Shop! 

I'm off to count bolts... 99 bolts of wool on the wall.... la la la la la!!! 

Cathy G


  1. Wow .....all those yummy colors....just makes you want to hook !!! So pretty !

  2. Swooning over the wool all stacked so neatly! And Karin's rug is just wonderful.

  3. So much eye candy!!! I wish my wool would fold as neatly as yours, but with so many different sizes, it never looks that way.
    Karin is a local hooker friend I am blessed to know. Her hooking is perfection.
    Hugs :)

  4. I'm glad that I don't live near by (not really), I'd go broke buying your wool. I think you need to put a # on the bolts and start selling it on your etsy site. The folded pieces are wonderful----especially the top 2 rows. Keep up the good work.

  5. I do love having my wool out where i can see it, just wonderful to look at, lol.
    I had to put most away but keep the newer ones in a cubby shelf. Love how she did the piece, wonderful use of colors.


  6. Your wool looks like beautiful art. You're the neatest studio ever... I can only wish I had mine so well organized. A very catchy song and a lot of bolts on the wall.
    I hope your mom is doing better these days. Spring is coming and it may help give her some hope.
    Enjoy your new found storage place.

  7. your wool is beautiful indeed and organized. how do you organize the small pieces of wool left over?

  8. I love the 99 bolts of wool - take one down pass around to me... love it!

  9. Evening Cathy, wow!!!! Wonderful stacks of wool, wool jackpot!!!!! Adore the rug too,Blessings Francine.

  10. Hi Cathy,
    I just ADORE your header picture with the beautiful bolts of wool, all lined up looking gorgeous!!! What a wonderful idea!!! The other wool looks beautiful on the white shelves too!!! A virtual wooly treasure trove!!
    I think you've got something there too......99 bolts of wool on the wall, is perfect for a Hook In!! The wool would be flying around like crazy!!! Sound perfect to me!!! Love the rug too!!
    Hope your mom is doing better as well, and also your sweet pup!!
    Enjoy your week, AND all that gorgeous wool!!!
    Warm Hugs~

  11. Heaven! Absolute woolley heaven

  12. I would be very happy to have lovely wool like that to stare at too! How motivating. Luscious colors too. I love how the rug turned out. It is just lovely. I have done that pattern and I think it is so much fun to hook. Well, I did it twice. My grandson came from Arizona to visit. He saw that rug and wanted it, so of course I gave it to him. He sleeps with it like a stuffed animal. So of course I had to make another one for the bench it was on. I think it is how all of your designs are Cathy, just lovely to hold. :) Have a wonderful week.

  13. Being able to see and feel all those wool bolts would be wonderful

  14. Oh dear , is that how wool is suppose to look put away. I am in trouble.


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