Monday, December 14, 2015

Sleigh Bells Ring!

Oh for a ride in a one horse open sleigh!  So far, eleven days before Christmas,  here in northern Wisconsin we aren't seeing sleigh rides, snowmen or snowball fights!  In fact it's pouring down rain as I write this post!  Never have I experienced a winter quite like this!  Our lawns are still green for pete's sake!!   Sooooooo... what's a girl to do but go on Pinterest and find pretty pictures of horses and snow and those sleigh bells a ring jing jingling their happy music to provide a little Christmas spirit!

What a NORMAL winter would look like in Wisconsin! 

Sometimes it's what we don't have and long for that inspires us! 
I've been hookin' a little....
on a new design that's been playin' around in my head for a time.

So I must go turn on the Christmas tunes and finish this up... and oh, the rain has turned into a wintry mix now...
Let those Sleigh Bells Ring!!

Cathy G


  1. Winter finally arrived here in Utah overnight with 6" so far - yay! Your rug is going to be a good one!

  2. Love the pictures of the sleigh's in the snow Cathy, we have a little here... Love your rug, Blessings Francine.

  3. Hi Kathy - yep, 57 degrees in southeast Wisconsin today. My husband even went golfing on Saturday! Great for driving and heating bills, but I know the northern part of the state's economy is suffering because of this warm stretch. I loved the sleigh picture - hopefully by Christmas! Jane

  4. We are having the same weather here and no snow is predicted for December at all!
    Feels very strange.
    Love your pictures.

  5. Thanks for sharing such beautiful images.
    Your new rug is going to be another stunner.
    Hugs :)

  6. I love pinterest, but spend too much time on it, if I go there.
    rain here this am, dried and much cold headed here this weekend.

  7. Very pretty pics of a snowy Christmas Sleigh Ride! The sneak peek of your newest rug looks like fun! :-)

  8. so pretty! We haven't had any snow yet either and it is very warm. I am enjoying the warm as I know snow will come soon enough.

  9. Such pretty pics. We never get snow so it was nice to see the winter wonderland , hugs cheri

  10. Yesterday it was 62 degrees here in Maine...people are sporting shorts and tee shirts...riding are rolled down in seems so odd...I fear...just like last began to snow the day after Christmas and did not stop till May...Looking forward to the reveal of your latest rug design...Merry Christmas...

  11. Love the Sleigh Bells Ring header! Love, love, love!

  12. Merry Christmas & a blessed New Year to you !

  13. I'd say the Persian rug should be fine. From what I've seen in various magazines - Better Homes & Gardens, etc - Persian rugs seem to show up everywhere.

    custom size wool rugs


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