Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Twelve Ladies Hooking!

After taking last month off from our regular second Tuesday of the month the gals showed up in full force today for a day of hooking, stitching, gabbing and of course eating!  Twelve, not counting yours truely, graced the studio with new projects,  rugs in progress and many many plans for new rugs to come!  These hookers are serious!! 

Karen, Saundra,Cindy and Betsy working away!!

Betsy hooked this adorable 3-D sheep!!  OMY goodness... she explains he will be getting legs made from old square nails!!  

LOVE this guy!!  Sheep are our favorite thing to hook!  Betsy is so creative she didn't even use a pattern!  A girl after my own heart!

Cindy smiles as Debbie ( behind Cindy's rug) shows off the fantastic finish on Cindy's Great Blue Heron Rug!!  I remember when we picked out some of the wools for this rug here in the studio!

Is this a fantastic rug or what!! Cindy's own design!!

Cindy is a hooking maniac!! Here's another recent finish depicting birch trees!  We all ooohhed and ahhhhed!!! 

Meet Tammi!!  She is fairly new to hooking!!  She had us all drooling over the colors in this one she's almost done hooking!  Plans are to frame it but she says that may change!  It is lovely as is she!! So fun to welcome new hookers into our fold!! 

Sharon is starting this beautiful pattern by Sally Kallin! Wow Wow!!  The wools are scrumptious! She buys a lot of wool from the studio here!!  These girls keep me busy in the dye pots and stocking wool on the shelves!  I love every minute of it!!

A close up of some of the colors in Sharon's rug!

Pat is working on a trio of rugs! Fun designs!  Pat had us all green with envy as she is leaving tomorrow to go to Sauder Village!  We all tried to sneak into her trunk as stowaways!!  LOL!!

Some proddy sunflowers by me and Betsy!!  These are so fun to hook!! And we all agreed sunflowers make us happy and can use up those bits and pieces of wool! 

Here's Nancy with her Harvest Moon appliqué, pattern design by Heart To Hand.  Nancy is an avid appliquer and always has many projects going at once!  Don't you love her background wools! She'll have this done in time to display for the autumn season ahead!

Nancy, Debbie, and Tammi working away!! I didn't get photos of everyone this time!  As you can imagine they keep me pretty busy writing up orders and helping to pick out wools for their projects! 
It just doesn't get any better!  Doing what we love and sharing it with each other!
Cathy G


  1. Had such a fun day, came home and fondled my new wool. Now I just need the pattern...hint hint...

  2. Had such a fun day, came home and fondled my new wool. Now I just need the pattern...hint hint...

  3. Awww I'm SO jealous - - - remembering the fun day I had at your studio!!! I see my buddy Deb there hooking away. Sure wish I lived closer!!!

  4. What a lovely day. It is on my bucket list to someday come and hook at your wonderful studio. :)

  5. What a lively and fun group of ladies !
    Just beautiful hooking projects ;)

  6. You hang with a talented bunch. Beautiful works

  7. Wow! Sounds like a lot of fun!
    Loved all the projects, esp. the sheep!

  8. So many wonderful projects.
    So happy that you are breeding so many new hookers :)
    Hugs :)

  9. Hi Cathy,
    Boy, do I wish I lived closer........like right new door!!!! What a lovely place to hook and gather with special friends!! So many beautiful rugs and talented ladies! It seems like a total win/win for all of you!!!
    Thanks for sharing your studio!!!
    Warm Hugs~

  10. Am so jealous, and sad that I live so far away. I'd love to have been there hooking with you gals. All the projects were lovely. Glad that they all buy to keep you busy in the dye pots.

  11. All their works looks beautiful. All of them are talented...

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I love your blog.
    What woolie fun.
    And be still my heart I love the sheep!
    P.s and those cute orange sandals

  14. What a nice group, with so many lovely hooking projects.
    They had a great teacher, right???

  15. I'm in awe of that 3-D sheep. I hope that we will see the sheep with his square nail legs next time.
    These rug hookers ((rock)). All the projects are so beautiful and it a great feeling to know they are you're girls. I wish I could come visit your studio Cathy. It looks so nice and inviting. I'm very happy for you that your studio is so successful.


  16. Oh the joys of like minded girls. I echo comments here. Wish I lived close so I could be a part of all the fun. I can't hook but betcha before the end of the day I could (at least try) with this group.

  17. Oh Cathy, what a hooking party, so much fun and wonderful pieces.Love the Sunflowers!!!! Blessings Francine.

  18. Great pics of the ladies, projects and studio!!! I know everyone reading this post wishes they lived closer to you!!! :-)

  19. The sunflowers stopped in my tracks!! I love the giant centers, how would I know how many rows to do for my petals?? Thanks!!

  20. May I have the instructions for the sunflowers? Everything is amazing, but especially those sunflowers! Thanks.


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