Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Kitchen Floor.... and more!

... and man am I sore!!  This DIY stuff is all fine and dandy if you are young and healthy!  It doesn't seem to affect Dave that much!  But my knees and legs are killing me tonight!  I think a nice hot bath and a glass of wine may be in order!  
We got a LOT of tile put down today!  
And a LOT of work remains.... the hard part...cutting around the perimeter of the room and around door jams etc.  So it will take some time and muscle.
I will leave this to hubby and retreat to my studio to continue working on some more kits and models.

Here's another wool appliqué project I'm working on.... it's called "Flower Bed"  by designer Shawn Williams of Threads That Bind.  It measures 33 by 33 inches.  It's the largest wool appliqué I've done to date. Very fun pattern!!
I hope to have it finished in time for the Quilt Event here in Rice Lake on March 28th.  
Along with a bunch of other things I will share soon!!
How's your weekend shaping up?

Cathy G


  1. Floor is looking great! What a great applique, can't wait to see it finished as the stitching will make it over the top.

  2. Love how the floors are coming out and I love your wool piece, that is a beautiful design.


  3. Oh Cathy. save your knees go get you a garden knelling pad. When we did our wood floors years ago I would have died with out my garden pad to knell on. Your kitchen is looking great! I love the colors in the appliqué.

  4. Ugh! Just looking at you kneeling down & bending makes my back & knees ache! Your kitchen is going to look fabulous! Is it time for the quilting event again? Seems like you were just posting about last year's! The time is going way too fast.

  5. Being beautiful is hard work.

    Love your applique.

  6. Hey! That's the same floor we put down in our kitchen! lol! Great minds think alike? ;-) Absolutely LOVE that wool applique you are working on!

  7. Hi Cathy...the kitchen project is coming along quite nicely...with all the bending and kneeling, you'll be in great shape come gardening season...The wool applique is simply the colors...Greetings from Maine...

  8. I like the way you have the wool going in different directions, looks good to my eye. Yes DIY is for the young folk, but the tile floor is looking great..


  9. I think it is going to be so perfect when you are finished. I really like your wool project. It is fantastic. Lovely colors too.

  10. I love your floor and you're right. That job is hard on old folks. Smart idea to retire to the studio to work on that wonderful appliqué. I love how the background is going in different direction. very eye catching and a nice pattern.

    Have a nice week. I'm looking to see what else you've been creating.

  11. they put those tiles in our bathroom at work and they take a beating and keeping on going.
    love your piece you are working on.

  12. I can't bend like that anymore. Hot bath and wine sounds great...enjoy!

  13. Cathy, You must be in better shape than I! Gone are the days when I could get down on tile floors on my hurts just to think of it:-O. Your kitchen makeover looks great. I know you can't wait to finish all the renovations and get everything back to normal.

    Your applique is wonderful!. LOVE the striped background.

    Hugs, Linda

  14. Love that tile you picked out!
    That project is fabulous!
    Love the colors!

  15. Love the wool applique that you are doing. You floor looks great!!!


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