Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Game is ON!

As 2015 comes sliding into home base... I stand with my catchers mitt unable to make the play. The new player scores another day on the calendar before I can turn around!  I keep thinking I better get on the ball... accomplish something!   But with so many balls coming at me all at once I get to feeling pretty overwhelmed. 
Is it so with you too?  The start of a new year, the taxes, the dirty laundry, the Dr.'s appointments, the dogs grooming appointments, the kitchen remodeling.... the business ( and that's a whole n'other list)  the never ending list....
So how to get back in the game? 
Before Christmas is once again on third base threatening to steal home..

No magical answer here from all my years of experience,  but I find it's wise to make some kind of plan.
If only in my head... no use to write it down...
Hubby and I both have trouble keeping track of tangible items like lists and cell phones.  We decided just yesterday that we can't get rid of our land line telephone.  We use it at least three times a day calling our cell phones to try and locate where we left them.... is it just us?  

So on a more positive note... ( she smiles and feels happy all over) tonight is the new season of Downton Abbey!  
I have a plan already. Get some strips cut for the new rug I'm working on ( a glimpse in the photo above... pink?  Ya, I can't believe it either? LOL) 
Then pour a glass of Yellowtail Big Bold Red and hook in front of the TV.
Sound like a plan to you?
Yup... thought so!!

Cathy G


  1. Cathy, My plans for tonight also include the start of Season 5 of Downtown Abbey. Plus our PBS station has a show scheduled right after called "Manners of Downtown Abbey." Will see what that offers. Also plan to start on a pattern "Spotty Dotty" which is way outside my typical primitive color scheme.

  2. I can not wait to watch Downton Abbey I tried to get a rug going but the linen I have is not large enough so I will save it for another day.
    cant wait to see your pattern

  3. I like your plan, but I've yet to watch Downton Abbey (probably because I don't have a TV ~ by choice ~ for many years though I am thinking of getting one).
    For years I had a land line that was only used to call my lost cell phone, but finally thought spending $600 a year (that's a lot of wool money) to find my phone was ludicrous.
    Looking forward to seeing your rug. I don't do pink, either, but that looks more like dusty rose :)
    Hugs :)

  4. Cathy, you make me laugh. We will keep our land line as I'm not attached to my cell as some people are. Lots of times it's with me in my purse but battery is dead from lack of use. Can't wait to see your new rug. Doesn't look too pinkish to me. Drew out your feather tree pattern today, but added some needles to it. Our quilting group gift exchange theme for 2015 is "evergreen" so thought this little tree would be perfect gift for all the non hookers. I'm the only one in the group who hooks. Thanks again for the pattern gift.

  5. Cathy, I am always anxious to see what new and wonderful things you create. And, you are fine just the way you are BTW!

  6. Great plan - beautiful rug !!
    I can't seem to get ahead of the calendar either !

  7. Wow, you kind of sound like me. I no longer run a business in my home but the farm business office work is as busy. It's just our nature to be always overwhelmed with work.

    I love that header photo. The cutest bunch of little winter birds I've seen in a while.

    I'm the only one in our house who hasn't lost cell phone. I've misplaced it a few time but my husband and sone have lost smart phones and never found them again.

    I've never seen Downton Abbey either and we have a TV. I never sit in front of the TV anymore. I might have to buy the DVD's one of these days so I can watch it. We just have basic as we just watch the news.

    Cathy, I hope that 2015 is your best year yet.

  8. your plans sound great ~ haven't watched Downton Abbey yet, bunt me thinks I might just play catch up. Love what I see so far of your rug !
    Happy New Year to you my friend!

  9. What a perfect evening!! I do love those colors. I laughed about your land line.
    Have fun tonight.

  10. A cute post Cathy! I got a good chuckle out of you calling your cell phone with your land line phone. Your rug looks wonderful. Will look forward to seeing more. Stay warm! Hugs, Lori

  11. Phones!! LOL..... I hate to be on the phone. I have a cell phone, in my purse, I have no idea what my number is, I have no idea when I used it last. Oh once in Walmart I called my husband to see where he was! I have my cell phone just in case of an emergency. So I never use it, don't want to have anyone ring it, but I have the coolest ring tone......"She's So Cold" by the Stones! Of course I only heard it once!!! Yep we still have our landline, I have elderly parents and need to keep that. Can't wait to see your rug!

  12. I'm right there with you, trying to get going again, drinking a glass of wine, watching Downton Abbey.....only difference I have skeins of floss for wool applique!

  13. I'm laughing about your land line because we use ours for the same thing! Also, LOVE those pinks and can't wait to see what you do with them. Ready for some spring color after all this winter cold!


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