Monday, December 8, 2014

Mr. Chill Makes a Comeback!

Remember this guy?  He made his appearance back in 2010... where did THAT time go?!! 
I've had quite a few requests for the pattern and decided to put him back in the lineup of my paper patterns over on

That's where you can find my paper rug hooking patterns for sale. 

Good ol' Mr. Chill.... still sweeping away and as fun to hook as ever!

The pattern would make a nice gift for those rug hooking friends!

Leave your name in the comments and I'll throw your name in the hat to win Mr. Chill all drawn up on linen.... and you might just find him packing a little wool along for the trip!!

Many many thanks to all my dear blog readers who read and put up with me all through the year!!

Smiles and Hugs!

Cathy G

(Mr. Chill will sweep all the names into a pile and pick one on Friday... Dec. 19th 2014)


  1. Ohh, I would love a Mr. Chill pattern. I hope his broom sweeps my way :)

  2. Hi! I already purchased my paper copy today. This little guy is great. I would love to find a linen piece in my mailbox! Thank you for the opportunity!

  3. I enjoy your blog. Love Mr. Chill!!! He needs to come to my house.

  4. Mr. Chill is a wonderful pattern. He would make an excellent winter hooking project. Pick me!! :)

  5. Mr. Chill needs to be hooked by me. He is very cute.

  6. I would love for Mr Chill to come to my home. He would fit right in with all the other snowmen. Fingers crossed (-:

  7. I'm in a rug hooking group with you on facebook and loved this when you first posted it! I'm a beginner and hoping I win!

  8. Hi Cathy, Would love to win Mr. chill. He is adorable.

  9. This is just adorable!! I'd love to work him up as just my 3rd hooking project! Merry Christmas!

  10. Mr. Chill is really cute. Would love to hook him.

  11. Its supposed to snow here this evening but I'd rather build my snowman from wool. Sure hope I'm a lucky winner.

  12. Would Love to do Mr. Chill. And I live in Northern MN so he could be out all year! How can you not smile when you see him! Krissy B.

  13. Love Mr. Chill! He's quite a handsome fella!

  14. He is soooo cute!! Would love to add him to my home :-)

  15. Such a cute guy. Since we never get enough snow here in north Florida, hooking Mr. Chill would be the closest I get to a snowman! It would be so much fun to hook him. Thanks for the opportunity!


  16. I just love Mr. Chill. Hoping he finds his way to my house. He will be hooked, loved,appreciated and adored!!!

  17. Mr. Chill is so cute....I would love to have him visit my home. I'm new to hooking and working on my first project now so he would make a great second project.

  18. Who Hoo count me in. I would love to bring Mr Chill to life in my home.

    Thanks for a chance and happy holidays to you and yours.

  19. I am so glad you released Mr. Chill again. I love all of your patterns so much and have been trying to get them all. :) So much fun to hook.
    Please enter my name in your giveaway. Thank you Cathy!

  20. This is such a great little dude!

  21. Cathy,

    You are so easy to "put up with." Your blog is truly enjoyable. Mr. Chill is a particularly charming fellow, and I'd be very happy to see hin all drawn out on linen. I must say, though, that I really like the option of paper patterns and am very glad you offer yours that way. I have at least 2 of your paper patterns and am working on the "Merry Christmas" right now. Will I get it done before Christmas 2014? Very good question!


  22. Mr. Chill would look so cute in my home and my grandkids would adore him.

  23. This little guy is a cutie! The last rug that I have "completed" is your Home Sweet Home! I need to get back to hookin' ! Keeping my fingers crossed.

  24. I would love a chance to win his pattern, he is such a fun piece and he would be fun to make.


  25. What a fun pattern to hook and would love to welcome Mr. Chill into my home!

  26. Hi Cathy! Nice to find your patterns today. I would love for Mr. Chill to come to my house :-)

  27. Hi Cathy, I would love to win Mr. Chill, he's so cute, love those snowmen. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  28. I love this guy. He was one of the first rugs I hooked. I would love to hook him again since I have a little more experience and a little more wool.

  29. Please enter me too !!! Mr.Chill is so cute ! Your blog is always fun to visit. You inspired me to take a class to learn to make the darling feather trees, I Love them ! Mr. Chill would be toasty warm & Loved in our house too !!!! Merry Christmas !!!

  30. What a treat it would be to get a pattern from you! Thanks for the chance.

  31. i need some Chill here in Georgia! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  32. I thought I had left a comment, but apparently not. Oh mercy for us less that computer-wise people!
    I would love to have your little snowman. So cute!

  33. Are you SERIOUS? I'd LOVE to win this design~ please throw my name in the drawing.....

  34. Oh boy! Count me in! I would love to spend a snowy day hooking Mr. Chill.

  35. That is so sweet of you, Cathy! Mr. Chill is awesome! I would love to win! :-)

  36. Hope we don't get freezing rain tonight....

  37. He's adorable. Heading to check out your etsy shop.

  38. Cathy,
    Your patterns are wonderful. I'd love a chance to win :)

  39. Mr. Chill is adorable! I would love to have him sweeping in my home.

  40. Seriously? 2010? OMG it is hard to believe that my husband divorced me back in 2007. Where does the time go??

    I'd LOVE to be in the mix for Mr. Chill so I can warm him up.


  41. Oh Cathy It would be SO COOL to win him!!!

  42. Cathy - really cute snow boy enjoying that north wind. Please include me in ur fantastic drawing. Merry Christmas to all!

  43. Please put me in Cathy. If I win I will make up a kit to give to my daughter so she can start hooking.

  44. Oh Wow a chance to win Mr. Chill. He's such a cutie. Thanks Cathy!!

  45. New to hooking, but I love to punch hook! Mr. Chill is adorable! Would love to bring him to life here in South Carolina! Thank you!

  46. He'd make a great addition to our winter decor!

  47. Mr. Chill is welcome here in Greenport! Please add my name to the drawing, Cathy. Thanks, Sarah

  48. Mr. Chill will have a great home here in Maine!

  49. Mr. Chill is too cute. I'd love to win him. He would have a good life here in the NW>

  50. Mr Chill is adorable...would love a chance to win him all drawn up on wool is all picked out as I've been cutting some for snowmen this week...making worms

  51. ah, he's just too cute!
    toss me in too please!

  52. Marian December 9, 2014 at 7:35AM
    Love Mr. Chill. Wonderful colors! Thank you!

  53. Debra Peterson- what a kind thing for you to do!

  54. I'd love to win that Mr Chill pattern. Thanks for the chance!

  55. Love your snowman. He can stay out all winter. Thanks for the chance to win.

  56. I just found your blog through Three Sheep Studio and fell in love with the pattern? I looked at your etsy and you have some wonderful designs. Do you ever do your patterns in punch needle?

  57. Would love to find Mr. Chill in my mailbox! Thanks for the opportunity to win him!

  58. Mr. Chill is the perfect pattern to hook on a cold winter's day...count me in,,,

  59. Thank-you for having a drawing. Great pattern.

  60. what a delightful pattern!! I just recently started following your blog and just love your designs!! I am just getting back into needle punch and rug hooking and I would be absolutely thrilled to win this pattern! thanks for a chance to win!!

  61. Oh please let Mr. Chill come chill with me, I will give him a great home!! Thanks for the chance to win him!!!!

  62. Mr. Chill can come home to me. He is adorable.

  63. Such a generous gift! Working on your Merry Christmas pattern now from last year...such fun!

  64. Mr. Chill is very cute. He would look great in my snowman collection.

  65. Mr. Chill would feel right at home in my snowman collection.

  66. Please add my name to the many who would also love to receive and hook Mr. Chill.


  67. As a new hooker, I'd be thrilled to get a chance to win Mr Chill. He's just so stinkin' cute and what fun it would be to get him hooked up.
    Merry Christmas!

  68. I just love the Mr. Chill pattern. It would be so nice to have him for a project to relax with after Holidays are over.

  69. As cold as it is here in Kansas, Mr. Chill sure wouldn't have trouble keeping his shape! HA What a sweet give away. Have a Merry Christmas. Hugs, Sher

  70. I would love the chance to hook this cute little snowman!
    Merry Christmas!

  71. Trying to learn how to rug hook, would love to have this pattern.

  72. What a great pattern and giveaway thank you
    I think I know the perfect recipient of this either finished it for her to hook
    Merry Christmas

  73. would love to win your pattern. I've wanted to learn to hook for a while now (I'm a quilter) but no one in my area (Colorado Springs) teaches it until one of my favorite shops decided to teach and supply hookers!!! I've asked for the beginner lessons from my husband for Christmas and birthday--we'll see ...... I would put your pattern to good use! -)

  74. Mr. Chill would fit right in up here in our Maine winters. He is adorable. Please count me in. :) thank you for your generous offer.


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