Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Ton of Cup Hooks and Old Contact Paper!

Yep! That's what I've been removing from this old cupboard that we rescued from my MIL's former garage!  It almost didn't make the cut when we were deciding what to keep and what to sell.   Then I thought...Hmmmm... it would really hold a lot of wool in my studio/shop!  So we hauled it home.  After a couple of days scrubbing, sanding, removing a ton of cup hooks and that nasty contact paper.. I hate that stuff... it was ready to paint.  The before photo was taken without the drawers which it does have.  I think it turned out rather nicely!
I painted it an off grayish white and  applied some antique toner.
The old glass knobs are original.
I love the old wavy glass in the doors!
I decided to remove the bottom doors so the wool is more easily viewed.
The cupboard has a little history as well.  It was used on the farm in the pantry to store dry goods.
My MIL doesn't remember where it came from though. 
All in all it is a very solid built piece and I am happy we decided to give it a new home!

I couldn't resist filling it with some orange, rust and red wools!  And a little bittersweet ( last years) and some little twinkling lights!  The smiling white JOL made his appearance and seems delighted with his new cupboard abode that matches his color! 
A busy week is ending with having to take the dogs to the groomers tomorrow.  They hate it so.. it stresses me out to have to take them!

Hope your week is ending well!

Cathy G


  1. Hi Cathy,
    Wonderful job on your old NEW cupboard!! What a perfect place for all your luscious wools too!! Hope you and the pups survive the groomers!! Have a great week!

  2. Love it, Love it, wish it was mine. You did a great job painting it, but most of all I love how you arranged the wool.

  3. Wow that is simply amazing. You did a wonderful job and it looks so nice with the wools in it! Great job Miss Cathy!!!

  4. Cathy, what an excellent job you did with this cupboard. I love it when old pieces, with a family history, get a new lease on life. It looks absolutely wonderful filled with your gorgeous wool. Good work!

  5. I'm glad that cupboard was on the 'keep list'! It's a beauty!
    I love it when a nice old piece of furniture finds it's forever home. Ha-ha!
    Good luck with the doggies. Sounds like all of you need hugs and treats.

  6. Oh Cathy, the hard work paid off looks beautiful. Great for the pretty wool... Blessings Francine,

  7. Genius!! End result is well worth the elbow grease!!! Is the sunflower rug available for purchase or may I order one?? Love it!!

  8. Love it! What an absolute awesome save and refurb! Enjoy it!

  9. So happy the cabinet made the cut because it's awesome. I'm looking for one just like it to display my yellow ware bowls which keep multiplying but yours being a family piece makes it even better. Enjoy!


  10. OMG ! Its gorgeous! I LoVe that it houses all your beautiful wools. It came with a story and now you are keeping that going by using it. I Love all your hooking pieces too. Prim perfect !
    Hugs Marg.

  11. So glad you could keep this bit of family history. It looks wonderful with it's facelift! The wool looks yummy in it. I know it was a lot of hard work but well worth it! Hugs, Lori

  12. What a wonderful job you have done. I love everything about it. I love that you could see beyond the dirt. I think it makes a perfect wool cupboard.
    I can tell how hard your worked. It looks like it has always been there in your house. I think you did such an amazing job.

  13. Your cupboard is Beautiful !!!! What a great way to use it !

  14. I'm glad you decided to keep it. Turned out beautiful (as is it's pretty wooly contents). I need to look for a pretty wool storage unit

  15. I am in love with old cupboards. I use pie safes as dressers in my bedrooms and in my quilt room for fabric. There isn't an old one that I do not want to bring home with me....But to see all of that beautiful wool in one just makes my heart sing.

  16. It looks wonderful, I love the early fall sneaking in!

  17. Great piece! I love how you have it displayed.
    It is so good to see the end results.

  18. How this I miss this post Cathy? I'm so sorry... I lost some momentum somewhere. Wow, you can turn anything into something of splendour. This is an awesome job and your wool looks so beautiful in there. What a great place to display your beautiful wool. I'm drooling...

    Do you know how amazing you are? Well you are...


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