Friday, July 4, 2014

Quilt Show Video... the quilts! Different link so I hope you can see this one!

Another video I shared on FaceBook today of the quilts at the quilt show in Chetek, WI where I am set up with my wool booth.  I tried a different type of link so those of you without FaceBook accounts can view it I hope.  Let me know if this works for you.  I went back to my last post and changed the link so maybe you can see the video of my booth too.  I am so bad at figuring all this techy stuff out!  But I am so proud of myself for learning how to use the video on my phone.   I want to share so much more with you through videos.

So the show...  you may be wondering how it went today!  Well.... very very slow!  There was a 4th of July parade that is a hugely popular event in town!  I had a few customers and a couple of small sales. I'm told tomorrow is usually the better day.  There is a craft show in the park... so we'll see.  Kind of disappointing so far.  But lets see how tomorrow goes.  I decided I could force  myself to sit indoors one more day!  Sheesh... the most beautiful weather of the summer and I'm sitting indoors at a show with no customers!  

Well... hope you enjoy the video if you can view it!!

Stay safe this weekend.... Happy 4th of July dear friends!

Cathy G


  1. Oh my, I wouldn't mind being stuck in there for a day. Wow, what a great display.
    Thanks so much for this new link Cathy.

    The rain is just starting now at 1:54.

    Arthur has arrived. Got to go close windows.

  2. Both links worked. It was great seeing your booth, what a wonderful display.Sorry sales weren't good today, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

  3. Cathy, you did a great job with "taking us to your show" on your video !
    I hope today is a great day for you !

  4. Horay! I could see and hear both videos!
    You did a great job as a cinematographer. A new career maybe?
    Loved your booth!

  5. Thanks for sharing the quilts with us! It's been many, many years since I've attended a quilt show so this was fun : ) You did great! I look forward to more videos from you : )

  6. Yes! I can see it them now! Thanks so much from all of us without facebook accounts! lol!
    Your booth is stocked full of lovely wool! And, love all the quilts that are displayed too! Nice day to be out and about, so I suspect your booth should be nice and full of happy customers today!
    We had some sweltering hot Summer days last week, but awoke to a gorgeous, cool, Autumn-like morning in the 50's today... so... the air is just right for wool and hooking!!! ;-)


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