Monday, June 30, 2014

I'll Be Peddling Wool at the Stitching Sisters Quilt Show July 4th!

A peddler of wool!  That's what I guess I'll be this coming Friday!  One of the lovely stitchers from the Stitching Sisters Quilt Guild has asked me to join them as a vendor at their  10th annual quilt show in Chetek, WI.  About 20 minutes from my home, Chetek used to be my home!  My parents moved there from Rice Lake when I was in High School!  I became a Chetek Bulldog as the school mascot is known by. I was not happy about moving there.. but that's a whole 'nother story for a different day!
Chetek is a quaint little tourist town!  Resorts by the dozens dot the shores of the many little fishing lakes. Hundreds of vacationers will be wandering the streets of Chetek this weekend. They do it up in true old fashioned 4th of July style with water ski shows, fireworks and activities for young and young at heart!
With only a few days to prepare my wares and wools I've been rummaging around the house trying to find cute display things.  Down in my dungeon I found this old blue swirl enamel dish basin. So guess what... it's now a wool holder! 
I've been making fake displays in the studio but heaven knows why I do that... they never turn out like I envisioned for some reason.
So if you're in the area and are so inclined... please join us at the Stitching Sisters Quilt Show this Friday, Sat. and Sun.  I may be only setting up on Friday.  If I feel well enough to do Sat. I may do that day also.  More than one day may be all this former Bulldog can handle. 
I've turned into more of a Poodle these days... tee hee..

July 4th, 5th and 6th
Chetek Community Center~711 First Street
$2  Admission
(turn at Ohde Drug)
Over 100 New and Antique Quilts
Guild Challenge
Vendors (new this year... a wool peddler!)

Cathy G


  1. Good luck, Cathy! Hope you sell lots of stuff! Wish I could be here. Sarah

  2. Wishing you some great sales and new customers.
    Have a lovely 4th of July.

  3. Good Luck Cathy, love the enamel bowl, Francine.

  4. When I saw "Sisters" in your title I thought you were coming to Sisters, Oregon. Sigh! WI is too far away. You should have great sales with your lovely wool. Love the bowl.

  5. Looks like a great event--wish I lived closer

  6. Have fun being a wool peddler, I can't think of anything that would be more fun. Wool is so addicting. Have lots of fun and I hope you sell out.

  7. Sounds like fun! Good luck selling. I did score on some neat wool in the estate I bought out. A gingham red & cream blanket. I don't know if I will be able to cut it up as it is really cute!

  8. Enjoy the show, Cathy! Hopefully you will be very busy! $2 admission is a steal... most shows in my area are $10 and up just to get through the door...


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